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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Important Essays for SEBA Class 10 HSLC Exam 2022

One compulsory question on essay writing is asked in the Class X HSLC Exam of SEBA every year. Here are some common essay topics on which questions are usually asked in the HSLC Exam.

1. Your Study of A Book
A Famous Book
A Book You Admire
Your Favourite Book
The Book You Like Most

HSLC Exam 1996, 2001, 2004, 2009

Reading is my hobby. I enjoy reading biographies and autobiographies of great men. My favourite book is "My Experiments With Truth" written by M. K. Gandhi who is called the father of our nation and is adored as the Mahatma. Of all books I have read so far, I like this book the best. The book is an autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. Originally written in Gujarati, the book was later translated into English.

In "My Experiments With Truth", Gandhiji explores memories of his childhood, his family, his student life, his struggles for truth in India and abroad. His narrations are all based on his spiritual and moral experiments rather than political. Gandhiji also presents the weaknesses and strengths of his character through the many minor incidents of his life. This book was also designated as one of the 100 best spiritual books of the 20th century by a committee of global spiritual and religious authorities in 1998.

As I read the book, I can easily understand it. Its language is very simple. The book also greatly inspires me. Its spiritual message is loud and clear: live a moral and spiritual life. Such a book can easily change the destiny of a nation.

2. Life of a Great Man
The Man You Admire Most
Your Favourite Hero in History

HSLC Exam 2002, 2003, 2006, 2019

India has produced many great heros who have contributed immensely to the cause of human peace, unity, happiness, brotherhood and fellow feeling. Through their noble life, such heros have left behind a legacy of sublime ideals for humanity to follow. Among such great men, I admire Mahatma Gandhi the most.

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 and brought up at Porbandar in Gujarat. His full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. His father Karamchand Gandhi was the Prime Minister of Rajkot. Putli Bai was his mother. At the age of 13, he was married to Kasturba. He had his early education in Rajkot. After his matriculation from Rajkot, he went to England to study law and returned home as a barrister.

Gandhi started the Satyagraha movement against the unjust treatment meted out to the Indians in South Africa. In 1915, he returned to India and immediately took up the leadership of Indian National Movement. His able leadership forced the British to grant Independence to India on 15th August, 1947. On 30th January, 1948, he was shot dead by a fanatic Hindu named Nathuram Godse.

Gandhiji's chief contribution to the world is Satyagraha and Ahimsa or the philosophy of  Truth and Non Violence. All his anti British campaigns were based on this philosophy. He was also a great social reformer. He worked to eradicate the age old social evils of India like untouchability and casteism. He also worked for Hindu Muslim unity.

The great ideals that Gandhiji set before us have always inspired both Indian and the international community.

3. Physical Exercise
Benefits of Physical Exercise

HSLC Exam 2005, 2007, 2009, 2013, 2018

Physical exercise is any planned activity that involves movement of different limbs of the body. Its purpose is to keep ourselves physically fit and healthy. Health is wealth is a popular saying. No amount of wealth can give us peace and happiness if we are not physically fit.

There are different forms of physical exercises. Walking, running, riding, playing, yoga, gymnastics are some examples of physical exercise. Strong people can perform all types of physical exercise but the weak and old can perform only light exercises like walking.

Only mental labour with no physical activity makes one weak and prone to various diseases. Daily physical exercise is essential for overall health and physical fitness. It also helps in developing concentration and memory. So students should devote some time to physical exercise on a regular basis.

While exercise is very essential to preserve good health, some limits must also be maintained. Over exercise can ruin our health rather than benefit.

4. Discipline

HSLC Exam 1993, 1998 (R), 2004, 2006, 2008, 2014

Discipline means leading life according to the established rules of conduct in society. It means obedience to established rules. Discipline is a training of the body, mind and soul that leads one to ultimate success in life. It brings peace and harmony in social life. Without discipline, there will be chaos and confusion in society and social harmony will be lost.

Discipline must be cultivated from the early part of life itself. As home is the first school, the practice of discipline must begin at home. Children trained in discipline at home can easily learn to respect and obey elderly people.

Discipline is very important in the family. The younger members must obey and respect their elders. If the members do not obey the head of the family, there cannot be any peace and happiness in the family.

Discipline is of utmost importance in schools too. If the students want to progress in their studies, they must obey their teachers and follow the rules and regulations of the school. There cannot be any effective education without discipline. The reputation of any educational institution depends on its discipline.

In sports and games also, discipline is very important. Players cannot achieve success if they don't obey their captain.

The value of discipline in the army is well-known to all. Every soldier has to obey his commander without the slightest argument.

Discipline is an essential prerequisite in every sphere of life. It is discipline that leads us to achieve success in social, professional and family life. If we are not obedient to the rules of society in every sphere of life, there will be chaos and confusion and the social harmony will be lost.

5. Your Hobby

HSLC Exam 1997, 2000

My Hobby

A hobby is an occupation pursued outside one's main business for fun and pleasure. It is a free time activity that gives us pleasure. Hobbies also have great educative and practical value. They enrich our knowledge and skills. Different people have different hobbies. Reading, writing, playing, cooking, dancing, singing etc are examples of hobbies.

I like to do many things in my leisure hours. If I have to choose one among them as my favourite hobby, it is definitely reading. Now I am in class X, I have developed the hobby of reading since my primary school days. My father gave me books on moral stories in my childhood. That was the beginning of my interest in reading. Today, I like to read whatever I get. It can be a school book, story book, GK book, newspaper or anything. Reading gives us both pleasure and knowledge. It prepares us well for our school exams. It also helps us to know the unknown things of the world.

Reading helps in mastering a language. One can learn new words daily. One can learn different styles of language. Reading of stories, poems, novels and dramas develops our aesthetic and literary sense. Reading of newspapers also keeps us informed of the current happenings around the world. The editorials and letters to editors in newspapers help us develop a sound strong opinion on the burning topics of the day.

6. Friendship

HSLC Exam 1992, 2003, 2010

Friendship is a mutual relationship of intimacy, affection and trust between two persons. Friends have a liking for each other and share each other's joys and sorrows at all times. They guide each other to live a more fulfilling life.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. A true friend always shares our joys and sorrows equally. He never leaves us at the time of need. He always guides us. But a false friend is called a fair weather friend. Such a friend only shares our joys and happy moments. He leaves us in times of adversity.

Man is a social being. He cannot live alone. He must mix with people around him. But he must be careful in choosing his friends. It is said that a man is known by the company he keeps. If he chooses wrong persons as his friends, they spoil his life. But if he chooses good persons as his friends, they help him to achieve success and prosperity in life.

7. Punctuality

HSLC Exam 2019

Punctuality is a noble virtue. One should acquire the habit of punctuality in every walk of life. Punctuality means doing everything at the right time. A punctual man never puts off what he can do now and today. Punctuality is a characteristic that is sure to bring prosperity and success in life. A punctual man gets enough time to do everything besides his normal duties in life.

A student who attends classes regularly and completes his homework in time always finds time to study more. A professional can achieve tremendous success and fame in his work through punctuality. Similarly a soldier or commander can bring victory to a country by doing things at the right time.

But an unpunctual man cannot complete even his normal duties. An unpunctual student fails to complete his studies in time. An unpunctual man may fail to get jobs and promotions. An unpunctual soldier may bring defeat in a war. 

Time once lost can't be regained at any cost. So one must be punctual if one wants success in life.

8. The Festival You Like Best


The Bihu

HSLC Exam 2014, 2016, 2019

The Bihu is the state festival of the Assamese community. It is celebrated by the people of Assam irrespective of their caste, creed and religion.

There are three types of Bihus. They are the Bohag Bihu or the Rongali Bihu, the Magh Bihu or the Bhogali Bihu and the Kati Bihu or the Kongali Bihu.

The Bohag Bihu or the Rongali Bihu comres on the last day of the Assamese month of Sot and continues for the next seven days. This Bihu marks the beginning of the Assamese new year Bohag and is also called Bohag Bihu. During this Bihu, nature wears a festive look with all its green leaves and flowers. Songs and dances besides several age old customs are organized everywhere.

The Kangali Bihu falls on the last day of the Assamese month of Ahin. Granaries are almost empty at this time. So there is no cheerfulness during this Bihu. People light earthen lamps in the paddy fields and near the Tulasi plant and offer prayers to the Almighty to give them a good harvest.

The Bhogali Bihu or Magh Bihu falls on the last day of the Assamese month of Puh and the first day of the Assamese month Magh. This Bihu is celebrated just after the harvesting season. So every house is full of foodstuffs. Different types of pithas are prepared and large scale feasts are held everywhere.

The Bihu is not only a festival. It is much more than that. It is an embodiment of Assamese culture. Songs and dances performed, foodstuffs prepared, different traditional activities carried out - all these are aspects of Assamese culture.

9. Your School Library

HSLC Exam 2007, 2010, 2017

Each school must have a library of its own. A library is an essential asset of a school. A library contributes to the learning environment of a school.

Our school too has a big library with a stock of 50,000 books. It is housed in a big hall. It has four sections namely Students' Corner, Teachers' Corner, News Corner and Reading Hall. Besides books on all school subjects, it has books on all other subjects such as history, geography, civics, economics, physics, chemistry, maths and general studies. The news corner supplies many newspapers and magazines for readers.

There are one librarian and two assistant librarians. They help us locate books and issue books to teachers and students. One can borrow books for a period of 15 days at first and get it extended for another 15 days later.

We get a lot of help from the library. We can read or borrow reference books on all school subjects. We can also read books on other subjects and thus expand and enrich our knowledge.

10. Floods in Assam

HSLC Exam 2013

Flood is one of the natural calamities that affects life and property.  An overflow of water from the rivers, lakes or seas is called flood. Assam is one of the most flood prone regions in India.

Every year during the rainy season, flood affects Assam. Excessive rains in different parts of Assam cause the river waters to overflow and submerge the low-lying areas of the state.

The heavy rain caused by the monsoon in May and June is the main reason behind flood in Assam. Due to the monsoon, rains continue for two to three months and the Brahmaputra and its tributaries overflow, thus creating havoc in the form of flood. The defective drainage and embankment system and widespread deforestation of the state also cause floods.

Flood causes heavy damages to crops, livestock, houses and other properties in the villages. It also damages the roads and disrupts the transport and communication system in the state.

Individuals, establishments, NGOs and government authorities come up with rescue operations. Food, medicine and other essentials are provided to the flood affected people.

The government should devise permanent solutions to the problem of  flood in Assam. Embankments should be constructed. Drainage system should be improved. The mighty Brahmaputra and its tributaries should be scientifically controlled.

11. Your Daily Life

For success and prosperity in life, a well-regulated daily routine is very essential. If we don't cultivate the habit of following a well-regulated lifestyle in our day-to-day life, we cannot expect a smooth journey without troubles in life.

My daily life as a student is very simple. I get up early at 5 A.M. everyday. I then go for a morning walk with my friends. I return home at 5:45 A.M. I brush my teeth. I take a cup of tea with some snacks and then start reading. I have a bath at 8 A.M. and  have my meals.

I reach school at 9 A.M. Our morning assembly starts at 9 A.M. Our classes start at 9:20 A.M. After morning assembly, I attend my classes till 12 Noon. We have a leisure period for half an hour from 12 Noon to 12:30 P.M. Sometimes I play during the leisure period. Sometimes I read something in the library reading room.

Our school ends at 2 PM. I reach home at about 2:30 PM. After having lunch, I take a rest for some time. Then I go to the nearby playground and play cricket with my friends. I return home around 6 PM and start preparing my lessons. I watch TV from 8 PM to 9 PM. Then we have our dinner and go to bed.

On holidays, I read till 11 AM in the morning. I then play with my brothers and sisters at home. I spend the evening watching TV with my family.

12. Your Aim in Life

Every man must have an aim in life. Different people have different aims in life. An aimless man cannot attain the goal of life. A man with a well-defined aim in life can achieve prosperity and success easily.

My aim in life is to become a teacher. I am now reading in Class X. After graduation, I wish to pursue a B.Ed course as it is mandatory for those willing to join the teaching profession. After that I will appear for the Teacher Eligibility Test and join the teaching profession. My teachers have played a great role in my life and thus inspired me to take up this profession.

Teaching is the mother of all professions. A teacher can mould the life of a nation. In addition to normal duties of teaching a particular subject, a teacher can instill moral and ethical values in students. He can guide the entire society in the right direction. He has to act as a friend, philosopher and guide of the students.

My ambition is to become a teacher and serve my country. As a teacher I can do much to uplift the society. By imparting value education and guidance, I may be able to transform society.

13. Punctuality


The Value of Time


The Importance of Time

HSLC 2019

Time has a great value for every successful man. Proper use of time is very important. A person who makes proper use of time is said to be punctual. Punctuality means doing everything at the right time. A punctual man never puts off what he can do now and today.

Punctuality is a characteristic that is sure to bring prosperity and success in life. A punctual man gets enough time to do everything besides his normal duties in life. But an unpunctual man cannot complete even his normal duties.

A student who attends classes regularly and completes his homework in time always finds time to study more. But an unpunctual student fails to complete his studies in time. Similarly a soldier or commander can bring victory to a country by doing things at the right time. Time once lost can't be regained at any cost. So one must be punctual if one wants success in life.

14. Science In Everyday Life

HSLC 2017, 2020

Science is the biggest blessing in everyday life. It has changed every aspect of our life. It has improved the standard of living in almost all spheres of day to day life. It has brought about transformations on education, health, transport, communication and so on.

Computer technology is the first and foremost scientific invention that has revolutionized the modern day educational scenario. Today, we search, store, read, write and present educational materials easily with the help of computers and the internet.

New medicine, treatment and surgery have improved the health of all. No-one is today going to die of malaria, cholera, typhoid etc. Diseases which were considered fatal a decade back are now being treated easily.

Newer automobiles are making transportation of people and goods easy. We don't have to rely on legs, bullocks or boats anymore. Buses, trains, aeroplanes have made our journey safer and easier.

With the help of mobile phones, emails, social media and communication apps, the whole world has today become a small village. Personal visits and letters are no longer necessary today. TVs and newspapers can provide us with live news today.

Electricity has benefitted us with electric bulbs, fans, air conditioners, refrigerators etc.

Science has considerably benefitted us. But it has some negative sides too. Large scale production of nuclear weapons, guns, bombs and pollution on all walks have also made our lives miserable to a great extent. We should be careful in avoiding the evil effects of science to make life safer and easier.

15. Travelling As Part of Education

HSLC 2020

Mere bookish knowledge cannot give us the right education. Perfect education must combine bookish knowledge with practical life. Travelling gives us a first hand knowledge of all subjects, be it geography, science, maths, language, literature or other subjects.

A geography lesson on the types of soil may be boring and difficult but the same will be interesting if the students are given an exposure to the types of soil in nature. For different types of concepts in science and maths also, schools and colleges should conduct field visits.

Students can get first hand knowledge of the second and third languages if they travel to places where such languages are spoken.

History is a boring subject for most students. But it can be made interesting through journeys to places of historical importance.

Travelling occupies an important place in the modern day education system. If properly guided, tours and travels can help the students a lot in the all round development of their personality.

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