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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Coronavirus Disease-2019 or COVID-19 Essay in English for Class 10 and 12

Three Sample Essays on 

Essay 1= 233 Words
Essay 2= 528 Words
Essay 3= 167 Words

Coronavirus or COVID-19 Essay (1)


Coronavirus Disease-2019 is the most dangerous disease that the world has witnessed in the twenty-first century. The whole world came to a standstill due to the pandemic for several months. COVID-19 is the short form for the Coronavirus Disease 2019. In the word 'COVID', CO stands for Corona, VI for Virus and D for disease. The disease was first reported from the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. The WHO  declared COVID-19 as a pandemic in March, 2020. Several lakhs of people have died due to the pandemic in 2020. The Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause common to severe respiratory infection in humans.


Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath etc. Some patients also experience loss of taste and or smell while some others don't develop any symptoms at all.

Causes of Spread

This disease can spread through physical contact with infected people. Droplets emitted through coughing and sneezing can also cause COVID-19.

Preventive Measures

Observing social distance, wearing masks, frequently washing hands with alcohol based soap etc are some of the measures that can minimise risks of infection. Boosting immunity can be another preventive measure.


Treatment for COVID-19 is only supportive and symptomatic at this moment. No medicine is available yet. However several countries have developed vaccines. Vaccination campaigns are going on in many countries now-a-days.

Coronavirus or COVID-19 Essay (2)


The Coronavirus disease that broke out in the year 2019 is called COVID-19. It was first reported from the Chinese city of Wuhan in December. It was initially known as the Novel Coronavirus or 2019-nCoV. The virus that causes this disease is known as severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2 in short form. In the word 'COVID', CO stands for Corona, VI for Virus and D for disease. The WHO declared COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.The common name 'Coronavirus' refers to a family of viruses that can cause a range of illnesses in humans and animals. These illnesses can range from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome. Out of the many officially recognized Coronaviruses, there are only seven species that affect humans. Three of these seven species can cause severe symptoms in humans and can be life threatening. It has affected several crores of people across the world and led to the deaths of several lakhs of people globally.


Patients infected with COVID-19 show symptoms of fever, cough, tiredness, breathing difficulties, loss of taste and or smell etc. Some patients can also be asymptomatic meaning they don't show any symptoms at all. In severe cases, patients can also suffer from pneumonia and organ failure. It can be multi-organ failure too.

Causes of Spread

COVID-19 is a contagious disease. It spreads primarily through physical contact between people and through droplets emitted through sneezing and coughing. Contaminated surfaces are also said to be one of the causes of its spread although this is yet to be proved.

Preventive Measures

The Coronavirus disease-2019 has badly affected the entire world. We must take preventive and precautionary measures to check its spread. The most important measures to check the spread of the disease are social or physical distancing and use of alcohol based hand wash. As COVID-19 is infectious and contagious in nature, we must take the disease seriously. We must immediately contact or consult the medical team if we suffer from the symptoms of COVID-19. We can take the following measures to avoid being infected with the virus:

a. We should regularly wash hands with alcohol based hand wash or soap and water.

b. We should avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth.

c. We should maintain physical distance of at least three feet from others. Unless it is urgently necessary, it is better and safer to stay home and avoid crowds.

d. We should wear masks and cover our nose and mouth with tissue while coughing or sneezing.

e. We must seek medical help if we have cough and difficulty breathing.


Since no medicine is yet available, only symptomatic and supportive treatment of COVID-19 is being provided for the time being. we must take all precautions to save ourselves and others from the attack of COVID-19. However, medical scientists are struggling hard to check the disease and have already made some progress. Many countries have already developed their vaccines. Vaccination campaigns are going on in many parts of the world. In India too, two types of vaccines, namely Covaxin and Covishield are being used.

Coronavirus or COVID-19 Essay (3)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 is an infectious disease that first originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and later spread to almost all parts of the world. It was declared a pandemic by the WHO in March 2020. It affected crores of people globally and led lakhs of people to death.

This disease is caused by the virus known as SARS COV 2. Persons infected with COVID-19 develop symptoms of fever, cough, tiredness, breathing problems, loss of smell etc. Sometimes infected persons don't show any symptoms at all. This disease spreads through contact between infected persons and through droplets emitted through their coughing or sneezing.

Use of sanitizers or alcohol based hand wash, face covers or masks and social distancing are some of the measures that can prevent the spread of COVID-19.

As no medicine for COVID-19 is yet discovered, present treatment only seeks to relieve the symptoms of the disease. Many vaccines have been already developed and vaccinations are on.


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