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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Lesson 2: Uruka Adventure: Class 7 English: Questions-Answers

1. Let's see how much you have understood the story. Answer the questions:

(a) Who was the leader of the boys in their adventure on Uruka night?

Ans: Mahendra, lovingly called Mahen, was the leader of the boys in their adventure on Uruka night.

(b) What were the names of Mahen's friends?

Ans: Sanju, Nantu, Rinku and Rumon were the friends of Mahen.

(c) What did they propose to Mahen on Uruka night?

Ans: They proposed that Mahen should lead them on Uruka night.

(d) What was the age-old custom that Mahen was referring to?

Ans: When everybody is asleep, they will go and pick vegetables and have another feast the next day.

(e) What was Mahen's reaction to their proposal?

Ans: Mahen jumped up excitedly and looked at his friends with an air of authority. He was ready for adventure.

(f) What did the boys do after the feast?

Ans: The boys except Mahen and his four friends left for their respective homes.

Mahen and his four friends made straight for Shantiram's house.

(g) Who was Shantiram?

Ans: Shantiram was a retired army man.

(h) Why was Shantiram sitting wrapped in a black blanket? Where was Shantiram sitting?

Ans: Shantiram was wrapped in a black blanket, waiting for any Uruka adventure.

Shantiram was sitting right in the middle of the rows of vegetables.

(i) What was the black heap of garbage that Mahen noticed?

Ans: It was none other than Shantiram who had been sitting wrapped in a black blanket.

(j) What made the night appear more haunting?

Ans: The nightjar was screeching eerily at regular intervals. It made the night appear more haunting.

(k) Why did the boys run away from the garden?

Ans: As Shantiram dashed towards the boys, they thought it was a ghost. They ran away out of fear.

(l) What happened when the boys were about to pick the vegetables?

Ans: Shantiram who looked like a black heap jerked up and dashed towards the boys.

(m) Who did the boys think chased them?

Ans: The boys thought a ghost was chasing them.

2. Here are some of the events that happened on the uruka night, but they are not arranged in the proper order. Arrange the sentences in the proper sequence and then read the lesson to check your understanding.

(a) Mahen saw something like a black heap of garbage in the middle of the garden.

(b) Shantiram ran towards the boys when the boys were about to pick the vegetables.

(c) Sanju, Nantu, Rinku, Rumon and Mahen planned an adventure on uruka night.

(d) The boys ran frantically out of the garden, scared that the ghost was after them.

(e) Just past midnight, the five boys headed towards Shantiram's vegetable garden.


(c) Sanju, Nantu, Rinku, Rumon and Mahen planned an adventure on Uruka night.

(e) Just past midnight, the five boys headed towards Shantiram's vegetable garden.

(a) Mahen saw something like a black heap of garbage in the middle of the garden.

(b) Shantiram ran towards the boys when the boys were about to pick the vegetables.

(d) The boys ran frantically out of the garden scared that the ghost was after them.

3. Look at the words in the two boxes below. One contains the names and the other contains their descriptions. Match the words to their descriptions and write them in your notebooks.


(a) Uruka

The Annual feast ahead of Magh Bihu

(b) Shantiram

A retired army man who was interested in farming

(c) Sanju, Nantu, Rinku and Rumon

The four friends of Mahendra

(d) Mahendra

The leader of the adventure on uruka night

(e) The Nightjar

A small species of owl

(f) Nongola

A bamboo gate

4. Here are some words from the lesson. Match the words with their meaning


Propose: to suggest a plan, an idea etc

Restless: Unable to stay still

Custom: An accepted way of behaving or of doing things in society.

Feast: A large or special meal, especially for a lot of people

Frantically: Done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organised.

5. Read the lesson and write who says the lines below

(i) "Oh yes! It is our age old custom"

Ans: Mahen

(ii) "We will spend the night in our bhelaghar".

Ans: Sanju

(iii) "What will we carry the vegetables in?"

Ans: Mahen

(iv) "Never mind. We will carry as much as possible in each hand".

Ans: The friends of Mahen.
