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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Kindness: Class 7, Lesson 4: Sunbeam English Reader: Questions-Answers

1. Answer the questions to check your understanding:

(a) When do the Kashmiri vendors travel to cities to sell their goods?

Ans: Kashmiri vendors travel to cities to sell theit goods when the rainy season is over and winter is about to begin.

(b) Why is it a hard life for the Kashmiri vendors?

Ans: It is a hard life for the Kashmiri vendors for the following reasons:

(i) They have to undertake a long journey.

(ii) They stay at cheap hotels and roam around the city streets all day.

(iii) They are bent with the load on their backs.

(iv) They have to shout their ware all day.

(v) They eat early morning and spend all day roaming the streets hungry and thirsty.

(c) Why was the author surprised when his brother-in-law called the vendors?

Ans: The author was surprised because he knew that his brother-in-law needed nothing from them.

(d) "I felt sad and guilty at being a party to such behaviour". - What does the word 'Party' mean here? And what kind of behaviour did he refer to?

Ans: 'Party' means a participant here.
The behaviour here is the vendors' detailed narration of their families and homeland.

(e) Who was kind? What was his deed of kindness?

Ans: The author's brother-in-law was kind.
His kindness was that he pretended he was interested in their wares only to feed them something.

2. Here is some information about the Kashmiri vendors and the author's brother-in-law. Rewrite the in the correct columns according to what you have understood from the story:


The Kashmiri Vendors:

Travel from Kashmir to different cities.
Stay at hotels with minimum facilities
Walk around the city on foot to sell their goods

The brother-in-law:

Asked the vendors to show their goods
Did not intend to buy anything
Asked his wife to serve food to the vendors
Made the offer of food unplanned

3. Rearrange the sentences according to the order in which events happened in the story and write them in your notebook:

(a) Two Kashmiri vendors came in to sell their goods.
(b) The brother-in-law made the offer of food look incidental.
(c) The vendors had food and left.
(d) The brother-in-law asked his wife to bring some food for the vendors.
(e) The brother-in-law enquired about their goods.
(f) The vendors hesitated to take the food.
(g) The vendors came in.

(a) Two Kashmiri vendors came in to sell their goods.
(g) The vendors came in.
(e) The brother-in-law enquired about their goods.
(d) The brother-in-law asked his wife to bring some food for the vendors.
(f) The vendors hesitated to take the food.
(c) The vendors had food and left.
(b) The brother-in-law made the offer of food look incidental.
