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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Chapter 1 | A Letter to God | SEBA HSLC CLASS 10 | Important Questions-Answers

From First Flight

A. Important Questions-Answers:

Part I

1. What did Lencho hope for?

Ans: Lencho hoped for a downpour or at least a shower to water his cornfields. He had his eyes fixed towards the north-east sky all morning.

2. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like 'new coins'?

Ans: The raindrops would help to produce more harvest and thus bring more income and fortune. To Lencho, these were not raindrops but coins. So he likened the raindrops to new coins falling from the sky. He called the big drops ten cent pieces and the little ones, five cent ones.

3. How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho's fields?

Ans: The rain suddenly changed to very large hailstones. The entire field was covered with them. The flowers and leaves had fallen. The corn was totally destroyed.

4. What were Lencho's feelings when the hail stopped?

Ans: Lencho's heart was filled with sadness. He regretted that all his hard work had gone in vain. They would all go hungry that year. No one would be able to help them.

Part II

1. Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?

Ans: Lencho had strong faith in God. He firmly believed that God would help them in this hour of crisis.

He wrote a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos that would sustain him and his family to live until the next crop comes.

2. Who read the letter?

Ans: The postmaster read that letter.

3. What did the postmaster do then?

Ans: The postmaster was impressed by the writer's faith in God and did not want it to be shaken. He himself gave part of his salary and also raised money from his employees. He then sent a reply letter to Lencho with the money and only a single word 'God' as the signature.

Part III

1. Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?

Ans: Lencho was not at all surprised to find the letter as he was confident that God would send a reply to him.

2. What made him angry?

Ans: He was angry when he counted the money and found only seventy pesos instead of the hundred he asked for. He thought it must be the post office employees who had stolen the rest of the money.

B. Textual Questions

Thinking about the Text

1. Who does Lencho have complete faith in? Which sentences in the story tell you this?

Ans: Lencho has complete faith in God.

The sentences in the story that prove Lencho's faith in God are:

All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one's conscience.

"God," he wrote, "If you don't help me, my family and I will go hungry this year.

At the post office, he placed a stamp on the letter and dropped it into the mailbox.

Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence.

2. Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter 'God'?

Ans: The postmaster was highly touched by Lench's faith in God and did not want it to be shaken. So he sends money to Lencho.

He signs the letter 'God' only to make Lencho believe it was none but God himself who has replied to his letter.

3. Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why/why not?

Ans: Lencho did not try to find out who had sent the money because he was confident that God would send a reply to him along with the money he had asked for.

4. Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation?

Ans: Lencho thinks that the employees at the post office have taken the rest of the money.

The irony is that those people who have donated and helped Lencho are being accused of stealing by him.

C. Additional Important Questions-Answers:

1. Who wrote "A Letter to God"?

Ans: G. L. Fuentes.

2. What was Lencho?


What was Lencho's profession/Occupation?

Ans: Lencho was a farmer by profession.

3. Why did Lencho write a letter to God?

Ans: Lencho's crops were destroyed in hailstorms. He had no money to run his family. So he wrote a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos in order to sow his field again and live until the next crop comes.

4. What was the strange thing about Lencho's letter?

Ans: Lencho wrote the letter to God. He wanted to correspond with God through his letter.

5. Why did Lencho write a second letter to God?


Why did Lencho write another letter to God?

Ans: Lencho wrote the second letter telling God that he had received only seventy pesos. He added that He(God) should not send the rest of the money through the mail because the post office employees were dishonest.

6. How did Lencho send the letter?

Ans: Lencho wrote 'To God' on the envelope, put the letter inside, placed a stamp on it and dropped it into the post box.

7. What does Lencho's manner of posting the letter show?

Ans: It shows Lencho's unflinching faith in God. He was confident that God would help him.

8. What did Lencho hope for?

Ans: Lencho hoped for a spell of rain to water his fields.

9. Who found the letter and what did he do with it?

Ans: The postman found the letter.

He showed it to his boss, the postmaster.

10. Where did Lencho drop the letter?

Ans: Lencho dropped the letter into the mailbox meaning postbox.

11. Who was the woman mentioned in the story?

Ans: Lencho's wife.

12. To whom did Lencho address his letter?

Ans: Lencho addressed his letter to God.

13. What were the raindrops according to Lencho?

Ans: According to Lencho, the raindrops were new coins falling from the sky.

14. How did the field look after the rain?

Ans: The field was white as if covered with salt. The crops were destroyed.

15. What did Lencho write in his second letter?

Ans: Lencho requested God to send him the remaining thirty pesos. He also wrote that God should not send the rest of the money through the post as the post office workers were all dishonest.

16. What kind of person was the postmaster?

Ans: He was a fat and amiable fellow. He also possessed a soft heart.

17. What crop was cultivated by Lencho?

Ans: Corn was cultivated by Lencho.

18. To whom did the postman give the letter?

Ans: The postman gave the letter to the postmaster.

19. Who gave the letter to Lencho?

Ans: The postman gave the letter to Lencho.

20. Give the meanings of the following words:

Crest, downpour, solitary, contentment, amiable

Crest --- top of a hill.

Downpour --- a heavy fall of rain.

Solitary --- lonely.

Contentment --- satisfaction.

Amiable --- friendly

D. HSLC Exam Questions Solved

Part I

Very Short Type Questions

1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(a) I need a hundred pesos currency of Latin America.

(currency of India/Spain/Latin America) HSLC 2015

(b) Send me the rest, since I need it very much the rest.

(relax/remaining part/be buried) HSLC 2016

(c) The house ---- the only one in the entire valley ---- sat on the crest of a low hill.  whole.

(wide/whole/flat) HSLC 2017

2. What happened to Lencho's fields after the hailstorm? HSLC 2015

Ans: The field was white as if covered with salt. All the crops were destroyed. The leaves and flowers were also damaged.

3. Where was Lencho's home situated? HSLC 2016

Ans: It was situated on a hill-top.

4. "All through the night, Lencho thought only of this one hope." What was Lencho's only one hope? HSLC 2017

Ans: Lencho's only hope was the help of God.

5. What type of man was the postmaster? HSLC 2019

Ans: The postmaster was a fat and amiable person. He was kind in heart.

6. What was the one hope of Lencho? HSLC 2020

Ans: The help of God was the one hope of Lencho.

7. What did Lencho say to his sons after the hailstorm? HSLC 2020

Ans: Lencho said that even the locusts would destroy less than the hailstorm. All his hard work had come to nothing and they would have to go hungry throughout the year.

Part II

Short Type Questions:

1. "These aren't raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins". Why did Lencho consider the raindrops as 'new coins'? HSLC 2015

Ans: Raindrops help to produce more harvest and bring more money. So Lencho considered the raindrops as 'new coins'.

2. "But don't send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks".

What made Lencho think that the post office employees are a bunch of crooks? HSLC 2016

Ans: Lencho found only seventy pesos instead of the hundred he asked for in the letter. He thought it must be the post office employees who had stolen the remaining thirty pesos. God could not have made the mistake of sending less money. So he called them a bunch of crooks.

3. What did the postmaster do after he had received Lencho's letter? HSLC 2017

Ans: The postmaster was touched by Lencho's faith in God. He did not want it to be shaken. So he gave part of his salary along with the money he raised from the employees of the post office. He inserted the money in the letter, signed it as God and got it delivered to Lencho through the postman.

4. What did Lencho do throughout the morning? What did he see in the north-east? HSLC 2018

Ans: Throughout the morning, Lencho was looking at the north-east sky. He was waiting for the rain to fall.

He saw in the north-east sky hoping for a shower of rain.

5. "Lencho's soul was filled with sadness". Why? HSLC 2019

Ans: The hard labour of Lencho became meaningless. A hailstorm destroyed all his crops. He had no means left to run his family. So his soul was filled with sadness.

6. The only thing the earth needed ...."What only thing did the earth need? HSLC 2019

Ans: The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower.

7. What did Lencho write in his letter to God? HSLC 2019

Ans: He wrote to God asking for His help. He wrote that he needed a hundred pesos in order to sow his field and live until the next crop.

8. What did the postmaster do after he received Lencho's letter? HSLC 2020

Ans: He gave part of his salary. He also raised money from his employees. He sent the money to Lencho so that Lencho's faith in God is not shaken.
