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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Narration Exercise | Class 9 | SEBA English Grammar

Narration (Direct and Indirect Speeches) Questions and Answers for SEBA Class 9

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Direct Speech | Assertive Sentences

1. Arun said, "I do not know this boy".

Ans: Arun said that he did not know that boy.

2. "I made some money yesterday", Anil said.

Ans: Anil said that he had made some money the previous day.

3. He said to me, "You will be tired before you arrive".

Ans: He told me that I should be tired before I arrived.

4. He said, "I bought it yesterday".

Ans: He said that he had bought it the previous day.

5. The teacher said, "The earth is round".

Ans: The teacher said that the earth is round.

6. "I made some money yesterday", he said to Hari.

Ans: He told Hari that he had made some money the previous day.

7. The teacher said, "Honesty is the best policy".

Ans: The teacher said that honesty is the best policy.

8. Anita said, "I do not know the boy".

Ans: Anita said that she did not know the boy.

9. The lady said to me, "I will tell you my story".

Ans: The lady told me that she would tell me her story.

10. The lady said to the man, "I don't know you".

Ans: The lady told the man that she didn't know him.

11. The mechanic said, "I will repair your car tomorrow".

Ans: The mechanic said that he would repair my car the next day.

12. He said, "Honesty is the best policy".

Ans: He said that honesty is the best policy.

13. She said, "The water is boiling".

Ans: She said that the water was boiling.

14. Anita said, "I do not know the boy".

Ans: Anita said that she did not know the boy. 

Indirect Speech | Assertive Sentences

15. Raju told me that he would meet me the next day.

Ans: Raju said to me, "I shall meet you tomorrow".

16. The boy told me that his father would meet me soon.

Ans: The boy said to me, "My father will meet you soon".

17. Hari replied that he had no money to lend him.

Ans: Hari said, "I have no money to lend him".

18. He told his wife that he might be late.

Ans: He said to his wife, "I may be late".

19. Mohan said that he goes for a walk every morning.

Ans: Mohan said, "I go for a walk every morning".

20. The teacher said that he would do that the next day.

Ans: The teacher said, "I shall do this tomorrow".

21. I told her that I had no time for that.

Ans: I said to her, "I have no time for this".

22. He said that he takes bath in the Brahmaputra every morning.

Ans: He said, "I take bath in the Brahmaputra every morning".

23. Mira said that her mother had been suffering from fever.

Ans: Mira said, "My mother has been suffering from fever".

24. Rahim said that his mother had been suffering from fever.

Ans: Rahim said, "My mother has been suffering from fever".

25. The young man told me that he had come from Jorhat to work in Guwahati.

Ans: The young man said to me, "I have come from Jorhat to work in Guwahati".

Direct Speech | Interrogative Sentences

26. He said to me, "When did you buy these books?"

Ans: He asked me when I had bought those books.

27. Mohan said to Hari, "Can I borrow a hundred rupees from you?"

Ans: Mohan asked Hari if he (Mohan) could borrow a hundred rupees from him (Hari).

28. "Can you ride a bicycle?", I asked Gita.

Ans: I asked Gita if she could ride a bicycle.

29. The doctor said to her, "Can you buy the medicines?"

Ans: The doctor asked her if she could buy the medicines.

30. I said to her, "Do you want my help?"

Ans: I asked her if she wanted my help.

31. "Can you drive a car?", I said to Rahim.

Ans: I asked Rahim if he could drive a car.

32. Rahim said to me, "Do you know the man standing at the gate?"

Ans: Rahim asked me if I knew the man standing at the gate.

33. Mother said to me, "What will you do after the examination?"

Ans: Mother asked me what I would do after the examination.

Indirect Speech | Interrogative Sentences

34. I asked the boy if he had answered all the questions.

Ans: I said to the boy, "Have you answered all the questions?"

35. Ram asked me if I had a car.

Ans: Ram said to me, "Do you have a car?"

36. The headmaster asked me who I was.

Ans: The headmaster said to me, "Who are you?"

37. The teacher enquired of the pupil if he had done his homework.

Ans: The teacher said to the pupil, "Have you done your homework?"

38. The stranger asked me if I could tell him the way to the post office.

Ans: The stranger said to me, "Can you tell me the way to the post office?"

39. She asked me why the teacher had punished me.

Ans: She said to me, "Why has the teacher punished you?"

40. Rashid asked me if I knew Rahim.

Ans: Rashid said to me, "Do you know Rahim?"

Direct Speech | Imperative Sentences

41. Anita said to Ravi, "Please lend me your pen".

Ans: Anita requested Ravi to lend her his pen.

42. He said to me, "Lend me your book for today".

Ans: He asked me to lend him my book for that day.

43. The teacher said to me, "Don't neglect your studies".

Ans: The teacher advised me not to neglect my studies.

44. The boy said, "Sir, please explain the poem once more".

Ans: The boy requested the teacher to explain the poem once more.

45. Mother said to me, "Don't tell a lie".

Ans: Mother advised me not to tell a lie.

Indirect Speech | Imperative Sentences

46. She asked him to keep quiet.

Ans: She said to him, "Keep quiet".

47. He told her not to disturb him.

Ans: He said to her, "Don't disturb me".

48. She proposed that we should go for a walk.

Ans: She said, "Let us go for a walk".

Direct Speech | Optative Sentences

49. He said to them, "Good bye, my friends!"

Ans: He bade his friends good bye.

50. He said to me, "May God bless you".

Ans: He prayed that God might bless me.

51. He said, "May you live long."

Ans: He wished that I might live long.

Indirect Speech | Optative Sentences

52. The old man wished that I might be happy.

Ans: The old man said, "May you be happy".

53. Ravi thanked me for my help.

Ans: Ravi said, "Thank you for your help".

54. The old man prayed that God might help me.

Ans: The old man said, "May God help you".

Direct Speech | Exclamatory Sentences

55. "What a beautiful building", he said.

Ans: He exclaimed with surprise that it was a very beautiful building.

56. He said, "What a fool I am".

Ans: He exclaimed with sorrow that he was a great fool.

57. He said, "What a beautiful picture it is!"

Ans: He exclaimed with surprise that it was a very beautiful picture.

Indirect Speech | Exclamatory Sentences

58. The man said with pride that he was very clever.

Ans: The man said, "How clever I am!"

59. The girl exclaimed with surprise that it was a very big and black snake.

Ans: The girl said, "What a big and black snake!"

60. "Alas! I am undone", she shouted.

Ans: She shouted with sorrow that she was undone.


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