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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

AHSEC HS Class 11: Modal Auxiliaries Exercises: Previous Years' Questions Solved

Assam HS first year exam questions of English grammar on use of modal auxiliaries: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, need, used to, ought to and other auxiliary verbs solved. Years 1999 to 2020.

Q. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliaries from brackets or according to the sense indicated in brackets.

HS 1999

1. You must give up smoking at once. (can/must)
2. When I was young I could run a mile in five minutes. (should/could)
3. Could I have a glass of water? (might/could)
4. May I borrow your bicycle? (may/should)
5. He did not write to you, did he? (did/didn't)
6. Do accept this little present. (do/can)
7. I have eyes, so I can see. (can/may)
8. When Lincoln was a boy, he would wander in the forest. (should/would)
9. He said that it might rain that evening. (may/might)

HS 2000

1. She can go with you. (permission)
2. Could you give me an example? (polite question)
3. I shall do what you suggested. (simple future)
4. This letter must have been written by a woman. (indicates belief)
5. You might well be right. (strong possibility)
6. You may speak. (formal permission)
7. You shouldn't be so unfriendly. (undesirable action)
8. The very first thing I must do would be to teach you grammar. (certainty)

HS 2001

1. You should take regular exercise. (advice)
2. He may not get a good job. (possibility)
3. Shall I make a cup of coffee for you? (offer)
4. He can speak four languages including Hindi. (ability)
5. Every morning Gandhiji used to go for a walk. (habitual activity in the past)
6. It may rain. (probability)
7. You must see a doctor at once. (emphatic advice)
8. Could  you tell me the time? (polite request)

HS 2002

1. You must come at once. (importance of doing something)
2. I would like to know the date. (wish)
3. Do you like grammar? (question)
4. He is doing homework. (present continuous tense)
5. I will call you when I am ready. (future tense)
6. He can drive a car. (ability)
7. It may rain this evening. (possibility)
8. I shall leave for Delhi this evening. (intention)

HS 2003

1. She can speak French fluently. (ability)
2. He may come back tonight. (possibility)
3. Could you please pass on the message to him? (polite request)
4. We must obey our parents. (duty)
5. You will know about it soon. (simple future)
6. They need money to look after the orphan. (require)
7. You should discuss the matter with your teacher. (advice)
8. I used to go out for a walk but now I don't. (past habit)

HS 2004

1. You must go there at once. (compulsion)
2. Working in dim light may be injurious to eyes. (possibility or likelihood)
3. May God bless you. (wish)
4. While in Delhi, she used to go to the market everyday. (past habit)
5. Did you go there yesterday? (question)
6. If he does this, he shall be punished. (threat)
7. I need your help. (require)
8. He might be able to read in time. (strong possibility)

HS 2005

1. I have to go there to attend a meeting. (obligation)
2. Partha can speak French well. (ability)
3. I repeatedly told him to go, but he would not. (past determination)
4. You must be hungry after the hard work. (strong likelihood)
5. He used to go out for a walk but now he does not. (past habit)
6. Do come in. (a request)
7. How could you be so unkind? (surprise)
8. You will know about it soon. (simple futurity)

HS 2006

1. Samantha can speak Hindi fluently. (ability)
2. Could I have your pen please? (a polite request)
3. You can go now. (permission)
4. Could you lend me your book? (request in interrogative form)
5. You are getting late, you must hurry up. (compulsion)
6. He used to go out for a walk, but now he doesn't. (past habit)
7. I have heard about the book, it might be worth reading. (possibility)
8. If it may rain, he will not come. (supposition)

HS 2007

1. You should take regular exercise. (advice)
2. He may come back tonight. (possibility)
3. Could you please pass on the message to him? (polite request)
4. Shall I make a cup of coffee for you? (offer)
5. You must see a doctor at once. (emphatic advice)
6. Would you give me an example? (polite question)
7. They need money to treat the baby. (require)
8. You might well be right. (a strong possibility)

HS 2008

1. I can swim across the river. (ability)
2. It may rain tomorrow. (possibility)
3. We used to play hide and seek when we were young. (past habit)
4. He must be in a bad mood as usual. (certainty)
5. Will you lend me your scooter? (request in interrogative form)
6. We ought to love our neighbours. (obligation)
7. We need books for our library. (require)
8. If he might see me here, he will be annoyed. (supposition)

HS 2009

1. Her hair used to be black, but it is grey now. (past condition)
2. Students should obey their teachers. (obligation)
3. I would like to see the picture. (wish)
4. Yes you can come in. (permission)
5. This medicine may cure him. (possibility)
6. May I have your pen please? (request in the interrogative form)
7. He must be mad. (certainty)
8. The classrooms need a new coat of paint. (require)

HS 2010

1. May God bless you. (wish)
2. We should love our country. (obligation)
3. Will Rajib dare Pritam to fight? (to challenge)
4. Won't you sit down? (request in the interrogative form)
5. He can tackle all the problems. (ability)
6. He used to walk every morning. (past habit)
7. Rita must be happy as usual during her holidays. (certainty)
8. He said that he might not go to school the next day. (possibility)

HS 2011

1. Would you please lend me your scooter? (will/would)
2. If I were you, I would not do it. (will/would)
3. We should respect our elders. (should/would)
4. She can speak English well. (ability)
5. May I come in? (permission)

HS 2012

1. I shall meet you tomorrow. (shall/will)
2. He will be ten next month. (shall/will)
3. It may rain now. (can/may)
4. You should consult a doctor. (should/would)
5. She can speak English well. (can/will)

HS 2016

1. We should love our country. (moral duty)
2. I must pay my loan. (compulsion)

HS 2017

1. He must pay his dues before he is allowed to sit at the examination. (compulsion)
2. He should listen to what his parents say. (moral duty)

HS 2018

1. We can play football. (ability)
2. May I come in? (permission)

HS 2019

1. When I was young, I could run faster. (ability)
2. All candidates must bring their admit cards on the day of the examination. (compulsion)

HS 2020

1. You shall not steal. (command)
2. Could you spare some time for me? (polite request)
