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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

AHSEC HS Class 11 Dialogue Completion

Q. Complete the following piece of conversation by choosing the correct alternative from the brackets:

HS 2016

1. I said to him, "What are you doing now?" (What/when)
He replied, "I am writing a few essays as part of my preparation for the examination".(preparing/preparation)

HS 2017

1. I said to her,"How are you?" (how/when)
She replied, "I'm fine. It's so nice to see you back in our village again." (returned/back/home)

HS 2018

1. She said to me, "Why are you late?" (Why/where)
I replied, "I'm not late. It's 10:30 by my watch. (in/by)

HS 2019

I said to John, "How is your business going at this moment?" (How/What)
John replied, "Shall we meet later tonight to discuss it over dinner?" (lunch/dinner)

HS 2020

1. I said to him, "What are you doing now?" (what/when)
He replied, "I am writing a few essays as part of my preparation for the examination'. (preparing/preparation)
