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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Degrees of Comparison Exercise | Class 9 | SEBA English Grammar

Q. A. Change into Positive Degree:

1. Asoka was greater than most other Indian kings.

Ans: Very few Indian kings were as great as Asoka.

2. Guwahati is bigger than any other city in India.

Ans: No other city in India is as big as Guwahati.

3. Ananta is better than all other boys in the class.

Ans: No other boy in the class is as good as Ananta.

4. This is richer than most other countries.

Ans: Very few countries are as rich as this.

5. Gold is more valuable than silver.

Ans: Silver is not as valuable as Gold.

6. America is the richest country in the world.

Ans: No other country in the world is as rich as America.

7. The Brahmaputra is the longest river in India.

No other river in India is as long as the Brahmaputra

8. Rita is taller than her brother.

Ans: Her brother is not so tall as Rita.

9. The Bhupen Hazarika Xetu at Dhola Sadiya is the longest bridge in India.

Ans: No other bridge in India is as long as the Bhupen Hazarika Xetu at Dhola Sadiya.

10. Atul is the best boy in the class.

Ans: No other boy in the class is as good as Atul.

11. You are taller than I.

Ans: I am not as tall as you.

12. She is younger than you.

Ans: You are not as young as she.

13. This is the most beautiful temple in India.

Ans: No other temple in India is as beautiful as this.

14. Kolkata is the most populous city in India.

Ans: No other city in India is as populous as Kolkata.

15. This is one of the easiest subjects.

Ans: Very few subjects are so easy as this.

16. Gold is one of the most precious metals.

Ans: Very few metals are so precious as gold.

17. Papori is the tallest girl in the class.

Ans: No other girl in the class is as tall as Papori.

18. Kolkata is one of the biggest cities in India.
Ans: Very few cities in India are as big as Kolkata.

19. Kolkata is bigger than any other city in India.

Ans: No other city in India is as big as Kolkata.

20. The tiger is the most ferocious animal.

Ans: No other animal is as ferocious as the tiger.

Q. B. Change into comparative degree:

21. Amal is not so tall as Bimal.

Ans: Bimal is taller than Amal.

22. Guwahati is the oldest city in the Northeast.

Ans: Guwahati is older than any other city in the North East.

23. This is the best book on the subject.

Ans: This is better than any other book on the subject.


This is better than all other books on the subject.

24. He is the best boy in the class.

Ans: He is better than any other boy in the class.


He is better than all other boys in the class.

25. Kolkata is the most populous city in India.

Ans: Kolkata is more populous than any other city in India.


Kolkata is more populous than all other cities in India.

26. The dog is the most faithful animal.

Ans: The dog is more faithful than any other animal.


The dog is more faithful than all other animals.

27. No other boxer is as great as Mary Com.

Ans: Mary Com is greater than any other boxer.


Mary Com is greater than all other boxers.

28. He doesn't write as fast as his friend.

Ans: His friend writes faster than him.

29. This is one of the best colleges in the North.

Ans: This is better than most other colleges in the North.

30. No other train runs as fast as the Rajdhani Express.

Ans: The Rajdhani Express runs faster than any other train.


The Rajdhani Express runs faster than all other trains.

31. She is the most intelligent girl in the class.

Ans: She is more intelligent than any other girl in the class.


She is more intelligent than all other girls in the class.

32. Greenland is the largest island in the world.

Ans: Greenland is larger than any other island in the world.


Greenland is larger than all other islands in the world.

33. He is the best candidate for the post.

Ans: No other candidate for the post is as good as he is.

34. Stephen Hawking is the most famous scientist of this generation.

Ans: Stephen Hawking is more famous than any other scientist of this generation.


Stephen Hawking is more famous than all other scientists of this generation.

35. The cow is the most useful animal.

Ans: The cow is more useful than any other animal.


The cow is more useful than all other animals.

36. Silver is not as valuable as gold.

Ans: Gold is more valuable than silver.

37. America is the richest country in the world.

Ans: America is richer than any other country in the world.


America is richer than all other countries in the world.

38. Reena is the tallest girl in the class.

Ans: Reena is taller than any other girl in the class.


Reena is taller than all other girls in the class.

39. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

Ans: Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world.


Everest is higher than all other mountains in the world.

40. My father is not as tall as I.

Ans: I am taller than my father.

Q. C. Change into superlative degree:

41. No other place is so charming as this.

Ans: This is the most charming place.

42. No other boxer is as great as Mary Com.

Ans: Mary Com is the greatest of all boxers.


Mary Com is the greatest boxer of all.

43. No other boy is as intelligent as Raju.

Ans: Raju is the most intelligent boy. 

44. Very few countries are so rich as this.

Ans: This is one of the richest countries.

45. No other girl in the class is as good as Sita.

Ans: Sita is the best girl in the class.

46. Akbar was greater than any other king in India.

Ans: Akbar was the greatest of all kings in India.


Akbar was the greatest king of all in India.

47. No other peak in the world is as high as Everest.

Ans: Everest is the highest peak in the world.

48. Iron is more useful than any other metal.

Ans: Iron is the most useful metal.

49. No other metal is as precious as Gold.

Ans: Gold is the most precious metal.

50 No other man was as strong as Hercules.

Ans: Hercules was the strongest man of all.


Hercules was the strongest of all men.

51. There is no animal as strong as a lion.

Ans: A lion is the strongest animal of all.


A lion is the strongest of all animals.

52. Honesty is better than all other virtues.

Ans: Honesty is the best virtue.

53 Nothing else travels so fast as light.

Ans: Light travels the fastest of all things.

54. Very few boys in the class are as old as James.

Ans: James is one of the oldest boys in the class.

55. Mumbai is richer than any other city in India.

Ans: Mumbai is the richest city in India.


Mumbai is the richest of all cities in India.

56. Mount Everest is higher than any other peak in the world.

Ans: Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.

57. No other place I have seen is so beautiful as Shillong.

Ans: Shillong is the most beautiful place I have seen.

58. The Mississippi is longer than any other river in the world.

Ans: The Mississippi is the longest river in the world.

59. Shankardev is greater than all other saints.

Ans: Shankardev is the greatest of all saints.


Sankardeva is the greatest saint of all.

60. Very few scientists in the world were so great as Newton.

Ans: Newton was one of the greatest scientists in the world.


  1. It is very helpful to me
    Today my exam is there at 11:15 and I am reading these sentences thank you so much sir /mam . 17/2/22


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