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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

AHSEC Class 11 Determiners Exercises with Answers

Assam HS First Year exam questions on Determiners solved.

Years 1999 to 2020

For HSLC exam questions on Determiners, Click Here.

HS 1999

Q. Insert determiners: a, an, some, no, any, this.

1. Arun: I have an essay to write. But my pen has no ink in it. Can you lend me some ink?

Neela: I'm sorry, I have no ink.

Arun: Don't you have any ink at all?

Neela: No, I don't have any.

Arun: Well, can you lend me a pen?

Neela: You can borrow a pen from me, but you must return it soon.

Arun: I'll buy some ink and then return your pen.

Neela: I'll need my pen this afternoon. I've to write a letter.

HS 2000

Q. Insert appropriate determiners in the following blanks:

1. Mary is not in the office. I think she has gone home.

2. They stood on either side of the bed.

3. You can stop at any time you like.

4. Could you give me some examples?

5. Do you watch the television?

6. I know the household where that happened.

7. I shall miss all my friends.

HS 2001

Q. Insert suitable determiners:

1. We have very little information.

2. I remember his name now.

3. I heard it with my own ears.

4. I got a postcard from Susan.

5. I am going to walk up the steps towards you.

6. Good evening, in this programme we are going to look at the way in which Indian music has developed in recent years.

7. We went to Camel rides to the Pyramid.

8. I had some/many good ideas.

HS 2002

1. Read the following paragraph and underline four different determiners:

But he had the courage to hear every lesson to the very last. After the writing, we had a lesson in history, and then the babies chanted their be, be, bi, bo, bu. Down there at the back of the room Old Houser had put on his spectacles and holding his primer in both hands, spelled the letters with them. You could see that he too was crying, his voice trembled with emotion, and it was so funny to hear him that we all wanted to laugh and cry. Ah how well I remember it, that last lesson!

HS 2003

Q. Insert appropriate determiners: each, a, any, the, every, little, much, a few.

1. Kalidas is the Homer of India.

2. Sanjay gave me a one rupee note.

3. He doesn't have any money to buy a present for Mitu.

4. Each of the boys was given a pen by their teacher.

5. Gandhiji used to go for a walk in the morning.

6. He has little time to spare.

7. The teacher was very angry as only a few students were present for the unit test.

8. He is much happier than before.

HS 2004

Q. Insert appropriate determiners: the little, both, the, own, little, enough, an, all.

1. He is an MA in English.

2. I saw the student with my own eyes.

3. The rich cannot buy happiness with their money.

4. All his friends deserted him at the hour of need.

5. The old man is strong enough to walk.

6. He had little time to spare as he was in a hurry.

7. The little milk I had was split.

8. Both Raghu and Rita had attended the class.

HS 2005

Q. Insert appropriate determiners: few, every, all, our, a, which, any, little.

1. Which book do you want?

2. Give me a one rupee note.

3. The few friends he had left him.

4. Every morning my grandfather would go for a walk.

5. I have little time to spare.

6. Have you lost all your articles?

7. We are proud of our country.

HS 2006

Q. Insert appropriate determiners: each, any, his, all, the, enough, a, little.

1. The Tajmahal is a historical monument.

2. I care little for him.

3. John is strong enough to walk.

4. Each of the players was rewarded by the minister.

5. Have you lost any of your articles?

6. She found a one rupee coin on the road.

7. The lady in green Saree is his aunt.

8. Give me the pens that you have.

HS 2007

Q. Insert appropriate determiners: each, any, few, little, the, both, an, every.

1. Kalidas is the Homer of India.

2. He has little time to spare.

3. Gandhiji used to go for a walk in the morning.

4. Do you need any help from me?

5. Both Raghu and Rita had attended the function.

6. Our principal is a man of few words.

7. Sri Lanka is an island.

8. Each of the boys was given a prize.

HS 2008

Q. Insert appropriate determiners: her, any, the, a, enough, each, all, an.

1. The Brahmaputra flows through Assam.

2. He donated all his books to the District Library.

3. My neighbor is a teacher.

4. An umbrella protects us from sun and rain.

5. The tall boy is her brother.

6. The child is old enough to go to school.

7. Do you meet any of your childhood friends?

8. Each of the students was given a question paper.

HS 2009

Q. Insert appropriate determiners: little, her, the, a, an, own, enough, all.

1. The patient is strong enough to walk.

2. Sri Lanka is an island.

3. The Tajmahal is in Agra.

4. All participants will get certificates.

5. We have very little information about the situation in Tibet.

6. I remember her name now. It's Nini.

7. He heard it with his own ears.

HS 2010

Q. Insert appropriate determiners: a, an, each, the, any, his, a little.

1. There were about a hundred boys in the meeting today.

2. The Ganga is a holy river of India.

3. Mr. Baruah is an NCC officer.

4. Please don't ask me any questions.

5. There is a little water in the jug.

6. Each player was given a certificate.

7. His brother lives in Delhi.

HS 2016

1. We have very little information. (little/few)

2. Do you have any  questions? (some/any)

HS 2017

1. Do you need any help? (some/any)

2. Each of the boys was given a pen. (every/each)

HS 2018

1. He had little time to spare as he was in a hurry. (little/a little)

2. Do you have any complaints against the authority? (some/any)

HS 2019

1. There is still some milk in the jug. (some/little)

2. Kamal received much encouragement from his teachers. (many/much)

HS 2020

1. She has barely any beautiful dress. (some/any)

2. A little care would have prevented the accident. (little/a little)


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