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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

AHSEC HS Class 11 Use of Articles:A, An, The: Alternative English

Assam HS first year exam questions on use of articles solved.

Q. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles (a/an/the) where necessary.

HS 2006

1. Guwahati is a city on the Brahmaputra.
2. Mr. Bora is an honorary magistrate.
3. The hunter entered the thick of the forest.
4. The train is an hour late today.
5. He is an MA in Economics.
6. Every age does not produce a Shakespeare.
7. Shillong is the Scotland of the East.

HS 2007

1. He is an MA in English.
2. The rich cannot buy happiness with their money.
3. Is this the pen that you lost?
4. Mr. Barua is an honest man.
5. Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
6. Alexander Duff was a European missionary.

HS 2008

1. His brother is an MBA.
2. The Assam Tribune is a popular newspaper in Assam.
3. There was an explosion in the market yesterday.
4. Have you read the Bible?
5. The English are industrious.
6. I gave the beggar a one rupee coin.
7. I met him a year ago.
8. An honest man like him will never do this.

HS 2009

1. The train is an hour late.
2. The sun is shining brightly.
3. He thinks he is a Maradona.
4. Sri Lanka is an island.
5. I saw a one-eyed man on the road.
6. The Assam Tribune is a popular newspaper.
7. Her sister is an MA in English.
8. Shillong is the Scotland of the East.

HS 2010

1. Which is the longest river in India?
2. It was a unanimous decision.
3. Have you read the Geeta?
4. The vacation is drawing to a close.
5. He is an M. Sc. in Physics.
6. The rich cannot buy happiness.
7. I shall go to the university.
8. This is the book I was looking for.

HS 2017

1. She bought an expensive necklace.
2. He went on a holiday tour to the Andamans.
3. They went for a walk.
4. The Tajmahal is in the city of Agra.
5. He is an MA in History.
6. She is wearing a white skirt.
7. The Brahmaputra floods every year.

HS 2018

1. We shook our hands with the host.
2. There's been a murder here.
3. I want to meet X Mr. Das who signed the paper.*
4. The youngest boy has also started going to school.
5. He was sent to X prison for six months.*
6. He broke his leg in an accident.
7. This is a one way street.
8. X man is a reasoning animal.*

HS 2019

1. The monkey is a clever animal.
2. She is an MA in English.
3. X cows are useful animals.*
4. There is a university in Shillong.
5. The Brahmaputra flows through Assam.
6. This is a one rupee note.
7. There is a hotel nearby.
8. I met X Mr. Baruah yesterday.*

HS 2020

1. X Man is mortal.*
2. The vacation has come to a close.
3. I came across a one-eyed man yesterday.
4. He is an honest man.
5. They are going to buy an RCC building.
6. He is one of the best teachers.
7. The Times of India appears daily.
8. This is the book I have been looking for.

Additional Important Questions:

1. He is a BA.
2. He is an MD.
3. My father is an FRCS.
4. He is an MBBS.
5. I have seen the tiger.
6. This is a useful thing.
7. He is a UN member.
8. He thinks he is a Mahatma Gandhi.
9. The sun gives us light.
10. He is the best boy.
11. He joined the army.
12. I live in the north.
13. He is the boy who stood first this year.
14. The tea of Assam is world famous.
15. The water of this river is pure.
16. English is not an easy subject.
17. The Hindustan Times is a national daily.
18. The Ramayana is a holy book.
19. He lives in the USA
20. He struck me on the head.
21. Rice sells at 40 rupees a kilo.
22. French is spoken by the French.
23. I saw a woman on the road. The woman talked to me.
24. I have bought a book. The book is lost.
25. He plays the guitar.
26. I passed HSLC in the year 2001.
27. Everyone could see the good in him.

* X means no article is necessary.
