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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

100-200-300 Words Paragraphs for Different Classes: Part 4

1. Precautionary Measures to Check the Spread of Coronavirus Disease/ COVID-19 (190 Words)

The Coronavirus disease/ Covid-19 has badly affected the whole world. We must take precautionary measures to check its spread. The most important measures to prevent the spread of the disease are social or physical distancing and use of alcohol based hand wash. As COVID-19 is caused by viral infection, we must take the disease seriously. We must immediately contact or consult the health department if we suffer from the symptoms of COVID-19. We can take the following measures to avoid being infected with the virus:

a. We should regularly wash hands with alcohol based hand wash or soap and water.

b. We should avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth.

c. We should maintain physical distance of at least three feet from others. Unless it is urgently necessary, it is better and safer to stay home and avoid crowds.

d. We should wear masks and cover our nose and mouth with tissue while coughing or sneezing.

e. We must seek medical help if we have cough and difficulty breathing.

Since no medicine is yet available, we must take all precautions to save ourselves and others from the attack of COVID-19.

2. Spring Season Or (102 Words)

   My Favorite Season

Spring is one of the four main seasons of the year. Spring is my favorite season. It is the best season in my opinion. It covers the months of March, April and May. During the Spring season, nature wears a beautiful look. Various flowers bloom and plants grow new leaves. Various migratory birds are seen singing melodious tunes here and there. Spring also has some of the most wonderful festivals like the Indian festival Holi and the Assamese festival Rongali Bihu. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. Briefly speaking, Spring is the most enjoyable of all seasons for me.

3. Myself    (118 Words)

My name is Pushpita. I read in Class V. I read in a government Junior Basic School. I have one younger sister and one elder brother. They too read in the same school with me. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They always love and care for me very much. I too obey them. Singing and dancing are my hobbies. I also play the harmonium after school hours. Rahul is my best friend. He is my classmate. We play together on holidays. I always respect my teachers and study attentively as guided by them. They are very affectionate towards me. On the whole, I am always happy with my teachers, friends and family.

4. Good Friends are a Blessing (146 Words)

As humans, we cannot live in isolation from society. We mix with family and friends. We must have only good friends who can lead our life in the right direction. It is rightly said that a man is judged by the company he keeps. Good friends are the guiding lights in our life. We can share all our joys and sorrows and likes and dislikes with them. They help us in times of need and don't leave us. They are the ones who are reliable and honest. They are not the people who only make friendship to fulfill their own selfish motives and leave us alone in times of need. Good friends always stand by us. They see no difference between them and us. They take our problems as their own and always help us. Good friends are really the blessings of God in our lives.

5. Say No to Plastic (157 Words)

Plastics and plastic bags have greatly affected modern life. We use plastics for the many temporary advantages we can enjoy. Carrying the cloth or paper bags to market seems a burden to us. Furniture like chairs, tables and many other things made of wood are costlier than plastic items. These are the reasons that have led us to use plastics in every walk of life. But it is high time we said a strong No to plastics. Plastics contain toxic substances that cause contamination of the food items packed in polythene and are the cause of many life threatening diseases. Plastics are non biodegradable and hence donot decompose into the soil. So they cause land pollution. Plastics also cause waterlogging when thrown into the drains and other water bodies. Disposal of plastics into rivers and oceans has already caused huge pollution in them. So we must say a strong No to plastic to protect our own future.

6. Pollution (127 Words)

Pollution is the act of adding artificial harmful substances to the otherwise natural pure environment. These harmful substances can be in the form of solid, liquid or gas that can mix with air, water, land or sound and pollute them. The harmful gases emitted from vehicles and factories are polluting the air everyday. Different toxic substances emitted from the factories are also polluting water and land everyday. The rise of industrialisation, urbanization and deforestation has greatly affected our natural environment today. The only measures to prevent pollution can be minimizing our dependence on the artificial lifestyle of the twenty first century and go back as near as possible to natural life. Preventing deforestation and taking up large-scale afforestation can be another solution to the problem of pollution.


  1. Great info much needed! I worked for an activist community to protect our environment, I always appreciate this being noticed!!


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