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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

100-300 Words Paragraphs for Different Classes: Part 2

1. COVID - 19 (170 Words)


Coronavirus Disease:

COVID-19 is the short form for the Coronavirus Disease 2019. In the word 'COVID', CO stands for Corona, VI for Virus and D for disease. The disease was first reported from the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. It was initially known as the Novel Coronavirus. (2019-nCoV) The virus that causes this disease is known as severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2. (SARS-CoV-2). The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause a range of illnesses in humans. These illnesses can range from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome. The symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath etc. It has affected several crores of people across the world and led to the deaths of several lakhs of people globally. Medical scientists are struggling hard to check the disease and have already made some progress. So we can hope to get rid of the disease very soon. 

2. Online Classes During COVID-19 Lockdown in India (178 Words)

Following the government order during COVID-19 Lockdown in India, online classes were conducted all over the country. Teachers and students were busy attending classes through whatsapp, Jio chat, facebook, video conferencing, blogging etc. Online classes helped the student community a lot. They could learn everything from the comfort of their home without having to visit schools and colleges. One of the best advantages of online classes was that all files transferred over the internet were saved. Both teachers and students would be able to use them again later. Students also learnt the use of technology in education. However teachers and students from remote and backward areas couldn't benefit much due to poor electricity and internet facilities. Some students also couldn't afford a computer or smartphone. Online classes took a new turn during lockdown. Students of all levels, primary to university, attended online classes. Online classes showed them a new prospect in Indian education. If properly implemented, online classes can bring about a revolutionary reformation in Indian education system.

3. Importance of Trees (140 Words)


Value of Trees:

Trees are an important part of our life. They have great values for the inhabitants of earth. We need help from trees in every walk of life for our survival. Trees give us food, shelter, medicine and many more. We get different vegetables and fruits from trees. Even today in many villages, people make houses from trees. Windows and doors are also made of wood which we get from trees. Many medicines are also prepared from different trees and their parts. Trees give us oxygen. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and make it pollution free. Tree roots also help to bind the soil and prevent soil erosion. It is, therefore, important for us to stop cutting down trees and start planting more and more trees to save life on earth.

4. My Hobby: (115 Words)

I like to do many things in my leisure hours. If I have to choose one among them as my favourite hobby, it is definitely reading. Now I am in class VII, I have developed the hobby of reading since my primary school days. My father gave me books on moral stories in my childhood. That was the beginning of my interest in reading. Today, I like to read whatever I get. It can be a school book, story book, GK book, newspaper or anything. Reading gives me both pleasure and knowledge. It prepares me well for my school exams. It also helps me to know the unknown things of the world.

5. How Will You Spend Summer Holidays: (151 Words)


Summer Vacation:

Summer Holidays or Vacation is the time I eagerly await throughout the year. This is the time that makes me free from the monotonous routine life. Like the previous years, this year too, we are going to have summer holidays in July next. I have planned to visit my maternal uncle's house along with my family this year. My maternal uncle lives in a village in Kamrup, a place by the side of the river Brahmaputra. It is a heaven of natural beauty. There I shall enjoy the natural beauty with my parents and maternal uncle. My maternal uncle has an orchard. I can relish the taste of the seasonal fruits like mangoes and jackfruits to my heart's content. I also play there with my cousins. These days give me lots of joy as I am free from tensions of school and studies.

6. Taking Care of Animals: (141 Words) 

Animals play a very important part in our life. Cows give us nutritious milk, bulls help us plough the land and dogs protect us at night. Humans and animals have always lived together. So we should take great care of the animals and protect them. We should give them our love and care. Animals can't speak. Domesticated pets depend on us for their needs. We must provide them with food, shelter and medicine. Whenever they have any illnesses, we must visit the veterinary clinic and bring medicine for them. We should clean their shelter daily and give them food. Besides the pets, there are also wild animals that help maintain the food chain and ecological balance. So we should also take care of the wild animals. We must not kill them merely to satisfy our tongue.

7. My Family: (132 Words)

My name is Rahul. I live in a joint family. Ours is a happy family with my parents, grand parents, uncles, my brother, sister and my cousins. My father is a doctor in the locality. My mother is a school teacher. We the younger members of the family read in the same school. My cousins read in the town high school. We play together and enjoy our family. Our grandparents tell us many stories at bedtime. They also love us a lot. The elder members, particularly our uncles, love us a lot. I can never express in words how much they love us, the children. As our family is a joint family, we share everything. We eat, play, gossip and read together. I wish everyone had such a joint family.
