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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Letters and Applications for Different Classes: Part 1

Q. 1. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the importance/benefits of reading newspapers.

August 02/2020

My dear Abhinav

I have not heard from you for a long time. I hope you are hale and hearty. 

You will be glad to know that I have got letter marks in  social science and English in my last final exam. I am going to tell you the secret that led me to this success. I have recently developed the habit of reading newspapers daily. It has helped me to master the language. In fact reading newspapers has a great importance. It has lots of benefits. Newspapers help you in mastering a language. You can learn new words daily. You can learn different sentence patterns of English. Newspapers also publish different stories and poems which develop your aesthetic and literary sense. Moreover, newspapers contain data and information on different branches of knowledge. If you read a newspaper daily, you can gradually develop your knowledge. Newspapers also keep you informed of the current happenings around the world. The editorials and letters to editors in newspapers help you develop a sound strong opinion on the burning topics of the day. 

I'll discuss the importance and benefits of reading newspapers in detail when I meet you next.

With my best love to you and regards to your parents.

Your loving friend


Ashish Roy 
C/O B K Roy 
VILL & PO Dhubri 
District Dhubri 

Q. 2. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the poor supply of electricity/ continuous and frequent load shedding/ power cut in your locality and describing the miseries the inhabitants are suffering. 

To The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi 


I would like to draw the kind attention of the proper authority to the fact that we, the people of Gandhi Nagar, West Delhi are suffering untold miseries due to continuous and frequent load shedding/ power cuts in our locality. It has become a major cause of concern for all the inhabitants of Gandhi Nagar, West Delhi. There is daily load shedding/ power cut in the locality for hours. There is a power cut for four to six hours during the day. The extreme summer heat becomes unbearable for the children and the old. Moreover load shedding/ power-cuts from 6 PM to 10 PM has become a daily feature. We have now become habituated to doing everything in the dim candle light. The students, the old ones and the patients are the worst sufferers. It has become unbearable for us. How long are we to suffer? Are we living in the dark age away from civilized life ? May I, therefore, request the authority concerned to take immediate action and do the needful as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully

West Delhi. 

Q. 3. Write a letter to Mahatma Gandhi on the theme - Dear Bapu, you are immortal. 

Dear Bapu,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I am writing this letter to you from the core of my heart to convey my heartfelt gratitude for everything that you did on earth before you left us forever.

You have contributed to the cause of peace and harmony and unity and brotherhood among mankind. That is why you are called Mahatma, a great soul. You made every effort to bring about widespread reforms in our society. You tried to eradicate our social evils like child marriage, untouchability and communalism. You left no stone unturned to unite Hindus and Muslims in India. You have given us freedom from the British rule and established India as an independent nation. But most unfortunately Nathuram Godse shot you, killing the very ideals that advocate universal fraternity. 

I along with my countrymen shall never forget the ideals and philosophy that you propagated through your deeds. You are Non Violence personified. Your ideals and the examples of non violence you set for us will remain ever fresh in our memory. You will remain immortal in our hearts for ages to come.

Yours Sincerely


Q. 4. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your hobby. 

Dear Rohan, 

I have just received your letter. Thanks for describing your hobby of reading.

You have asked me about my hobby. Well here it is. My hobby is playing cricket. I like to play cricket whenever I get free time. I go to play everyday after school hours. Although playing cricket is my hobby I am also serious about my studies. I never neglect my studies. You know playing cricket has many benefits. It benefits you both physically and mentally. As games and sports are physical exercises, playing cricket keeps the body strong and healthy. It also gives you mental relaxation. One who plays regularly is always free from tensions and worries. If you sit idle, various tensions will disturb you. But exercise helps you overcome tensions. It gives sound sleep. Swami Vivekananda, India's spiritual hero remarked that you will be nearer to heaven through football than through the study of the Gita. Reading is very important but playing has also a great role in our life. 

I advise you to play cricket side by side with your study. I'll show you the many awards I've received in cricket when we meet next. With best regards for all of you. 

Your loving friend 


Q. 5. Write an application to the headmaster/ headmistress of your school seeking leave of absence for next 7 days.

To The Headmaster/headmistress
JNV National School


Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of class X in your school. I have been suffering from fever and cough for the last ten days. The doctor has diagnosed it to be bronchitis and advised me to have a complete bed rest for 7 days from Tuesday the 4th August till the 10th August. 

I, therefore, request you kindly to grant me leave of absence for the said period. I am enclosing herewith a copy of the medical certificate.

Enclosed Certificate:

Your Most Obedient Pupil

Dhananjay Barman 
Class X 
Section B 
Roll No 2
