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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Class 10 : Voice Change : SEBA HSLC Exam Questions Answers

Assam SEBA HSLC Class 10 English Grammar Questions on Voice Change of Last 23 Years' Solved from Question Bank. 50 Additional Practice Questions Also Given at the End of This Lesson with Answers.

Q. Change the voice of

1. HSLC Exam 1998

a. We have completed the arrangements for the fair.

Ans: The arrangements for the fair have been completed by us.

b. The patient is being examined by a doctor.

Ans: A doctor is examining the patient.

2. HSLC Exam 1999

a. The dog bites strangers.

Ans: Strangers are bitten by the dog.

b. He was taken to hospital.

Ans: They took him to hospital.

3. HSLC Exam 2000

a. You should not raise this question now.

Ans: This question should not be raised now by you. 

b. The bridge was completed in a record time.

Ans: They completed the bridge in a record time.

4. HSLC Exam 2001

a. They say that he is a saint.

Ans: It is said that he is a saint.

b. Was a tiger killed by the hunter? 

Ans: Did the hunter kill a tiger? 

5. HSLC Exam 2002

a. People speak English all over the world.

Ans: English is spoken all over the world.

b. The stage was decorated by the students.

Ans: The students decorated the stage. 

6. HSLC Exam 2003

a. A doctor is examining the patients.

Ans: The patients are being examined by a doctor.

b. The tiger was killed by the hunter.

Ans: The hunter killed the tiger.

7. HSLC Exam 2004

a. Some boys broke the window panes.

Ans: The window panes were broken by some boys.

b. They have completed the work.

Ans: The work has been completed by them.

8. HSLC Exam 2005

a. The teacher is correcting our copies.

Ans: Our copies are being corrected by the teacher.

a. My book has been stolen.

Ans: Someone has stolen my book.

9. HSLC Exam 2006

a. Our teacher buys books every month.

Ans: Books are bought every month by our teacher.

b. I do not know his address.

Ans: His address is not known to me.

10. HSLC Exam 2007

a. I have posted the letters.

Ans: The letters have been posted by me.

b. The lady helps the poor.

Ans: The poor are helped by the lady.

11. HSLC Exam 2008

a. He is writing a letter.

Ans: A letter is being written by him.

b. The hunter killed the tiger.

Ans: The tiger was killed by the hunter.

12. HSLC Exam 2009

a. The workers repaired the bridge.

Ans: The bridge was repaired by the workers.

b. I have bought a few books. 

Ans: A few books have been bought by me.

13. HSLC Exam 2010

a. We discussed the matter thoroughly.

Ans: The matter was discussed thoroughly by us.

b. I delivered all the letters.

Ans: All the letters were delivered by me.

14. HSLC Exam 2011

a. The members elected him secretary.

Ans: He was elected secretary.

b. The grandmother looks after the child.

Ans: The child is looked after by the grandmother.

15. HSLC Exam 2012

a. Children like sweets.

Ans: Sweets are liked by children.

b. By whom can this be done? 

Ans: Who can do this? 

16. HSLC Exam 2013

a. A hunter shot the tiger.

Ans: The tiger was shot by a hunter.

b. The gate was opened by the peon.

Ans: The peon opened the gate.

17. HSLC Exam 2014

a. Accidents are caused by carelessness.

Ans: Carelessness causes accidents.

b. Who did this work? 

Ans: By whom was this work done? 

18. HSLC Exam 2015

a. We were surprised at his conduct.

Ans: His conduct surprised us.

b. Why did your father refuse such an honorable job? 

Ans: Why was such an honorable job refused by your father? 

19. HSLC Exam 2016

a. The students elected him secretary.

Ans: He was elected secretary.

b. The stage was decorated by the students.

Ans: The students decorated the stage.

20. HSLC Exam 2017

a. People speak English all over the world.

Ans: English is spoken all over the world.

b. America was discovered by Colombus.

Ans: Colombus discovered America.

21. HSLC Exam 2018

a. The letters have been posted.

Ans: They/ we have posted the letters. 

b. He did the work alone.

Ans: The work was done alone by him.

22. HSLC Exam 2019

a. I have lost my English textbook.

Ans: My English textbook has been lost.

b. He was punished for his misconduct.

Ans: The teacher punished him for his misconduct.

23. HSLC Exam 2020

a. I do not know his brother.

Ans: His brother is not known to me.

b. English is spoken by many people all over the world.

Ans: Many people speak English all over the world.

Additional Questions on Voice with Answers.

1. We made him president.

Ans: He was made president.

2. He ordered us to do the work.

Ans: We were ordered to do the work.

3. Don't hate the poor.

Ans: You are advised not to hate the poor.

4. Why don't you take tea? 

Ans: Why is tea not taken by you? 

5. I know them well. 

Ans: They are known to me well.

6. She has a lot of work to do.

Ans: She has a lot of work to be done.

7. The dead body was buried.

Ans: They buried the dead body.

8. The dead body was removed from the road.

Ans: We removed the dead body from the road.

9. It is time to do the work.

Ans: It is time for the work to be done.

10. The teacher asked the students many questions.

Ans: The students were asked many questions by the teacher.

11. Mahatma Gandhi is known to all. 

Ans: All know Mahatma Gandhi.

12. Bring me a glass of water.

Ans: Let a glass of water be brought to me.

13. My watch has been stolen.

Ans: Someone has stolen my watch.

14. The meeting was presided over by the chief minister.

Ans: The chief minister presided over the meeting.

15. The battle was fought at Plassey.

Ans: They fought the battle at Plassey.

16. Passengers are requested to pay the fare now.

Ans: The conductor requests the passengers to pay the fare now.

17. The truck knocked down the boy.

Ans: The boy was knocked down by the truck.

18. Will you have completed the work by tomorrow morning?

Ans: Will the work have been completed by tomorrow morning?

19. People call the rose the queen of flowers.

Ans: The rose is called the queen of flowers.

20. The lion is called the king of beasts.

Ans: People call the lion the king of beasts.

21. Who can trust a man like you? 

Ans: By whom can a man like you be trusted?

22. The house was damaged by fire. 

Ans: Fire damaged the house.

23. Don't run in the sun.

Ans: You are advised not to run in the sun.

24. His behavior pleased me.

Ans: I was pleased with his behavior.

25. We must endure what we can't cure.

Ans: What can't be cured must be endured.

26. Honey is sweet.

Ans: Honey is sweet when it is tasted.

27. Mr Ainslie teaches them English.

Ans: They are taught English by Mr Ainslie.

28. I was invited to the meeting.

Ans: They invited me to the meeting.

29. The food will be served soon.

Ans: They will serve the food soon.

30. We regret that he is no more.

Ans: It is regretted that he is no more.

31. The sum has to be worked out.

Ans: You have to work out the sum.

32. The matter is being looked into.

Ans: We are looking into the matter.

33. She is writing a letter.

Ans: A letter is being written by her.

34. I am playing cricket now.

Ans: Cricket is being played by me now.

35. HSLC exam is conducted in March every year.

Ans: They conduct HSLC exam in March every year.

36. He runs a small shop.

Ans: A small shop is run by him.

37. Do you like her? 

Ans: Is she liked by you? 

38. Let the boy be permitted to enter this room.

Ans: Permit the boy to enter this room.

39. The journey was put off.

Ans: We put off the journey.

40. She frowned at me.

Ans: I was frowned at by her.

41. What are you talking of? 

Ans: What is being talked of by you? 

42. May I take your pen? 

Ans: May your pen be taken by me? 

43. He knows that I want this book.

Ans: It is known to him that this book is wanted by me.

44. He informed me of it earlier.

Ans:I was informed of it earlier by him.

45. The appointment letter has been issued today.

Ans: They have issued the appointment letter today.

46. Open the gate.

Ans: Let the gate be opened.

47. Change the voice.

Ans: Let the voice be changed.

48. Let them do the work.

Ans: Let the work be done by them.

49. It was proposed that a meeting would be held soon.

Ans: They said, "Let us hold a meeting soon".

50. Who believes such stories? 

Ans: By whom are such stories believed? 


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