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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Class 10 English Determiners : SEBA HSLC Exam Questions Answers

Assam SEBA HSLC Class 10 (ten) English Grammar Questions on Determiners of Last 23 Years' Solved from Question Bank. 40 Additional Important Questions on Determiners Prepared for Assam Board Students Also Given at the End of This Lesson with Answers.


Q. Choose the right determiner from among the alternatives given in brackets and fill in the blanks:

1. HSLC Exam 1998

a. He received much help from his teachers. (many/much/more)
b. I can depend on the few friends I have. (few/a few/the few)
c. A little guidance from you will be enough for me. (little/a little /the little)
d. My brother is studying in a European University. (a/an/the)

2. HSLC Exam 1999

a. He gave away the little money he had to the beggar. (little/a little/the little)
b. A few of my friends helped me much in my distress. (few/a few/the few)
c. I got more help from my mother than my father. (much/more/most)
d. The  union leader will address the workers. (a/an/the)

3. HSLC Exam 2000

a. I received much encouragement from my parents. (much/more/many)
b. My brother is an NCC cadet. (a/an/the)
c. He doesn't trust the few friends he has. (few/a few/the few)
d. A busy person has little time to waste. (little/a little/the little). 

4. HSLC Exam 2001

a. He gave me a one rupee note. (a/an/the)
b. Can you lend me a few books? (few/a few/the few)
c. He is much older than his wife. (more/much/many)
d. He will stay here for a little while. (little/a little/ the little)
e. Each of the boys has done his work. (every/some/each)
f. She has lots of things to do. (lots of/much/most)

5. HSLC Exam 2002

a. I cannot give you any money. (any/some/a little)
b. Our principal is a man of few words. (few/a few/the few)
c. She doesn't get much time for studies. (many/much/some)
d. My brother is an N.C.C. cadet. (a/an/the)
e. This story is very interesting. (much/more/very).
f. He has to feed his family with the little money he earns. (little/a little/the little)

6. HSLC Exam 2003

a. Much of their property was destroyed in the flood. (many/much/more)
b. He has to manage with the little money he earns. (little/a little/the little)
c. This is the European lady I was talking about. (a/an/the).
d. Many guests were invited but only a few turned up. (few/a few/the few)
e. We found the house without much difficulty. (much/many/more)
f. Rajanikanta is called the Scott of Assam. (a/an/the)

7. HSLC Exam 2004

a. This is the room I work in. (a/an/the)
b. Many of the apples were rotten. (many/much/more)
c. Only a few of the applicants were suitable. (few/a few/the few)
d. I expect only a little encouragement from you. (little/a little/the little)
e. The workers decided to form a union. (a/an/the)
f. Did you buy any bread today? (some/any/many)

8. HSLC Exam 2005

a. Only a few among the invitees turned up. (few/a few/the few)
b. Do you have any books on astrology? (some/any)
c. You will have to manage with the little money you have. (little/a little/the little)
d. An undergraduate cannot apply for that post. (a/an/the)
e. The society gives much respect to a thinker. (many/more/much)
f. This is not a usual happening? (a/an/the)

9. HSLC Exam 2006

a. That girl has many good qualities. (much/more/many)
b. Can you help me with a little money? (little/a little/the little)
c. Our principal is a man of few words. (few/a few/the few)
d. Did you buy any oranges today? (any/some/many)
e. Our teacher gave us much useful advice. (many/more/much)
f. Kalidasa is the Shakespeare of India. (a/an/the)

10. HSLC Exam 2007

a. He has a few friends who stand by him. (few/a few/the few)
b. Did you have any difficulty in finding the house? (much/any/many)
c. His brother is a university student. (a/an/the)
d. I appreciate even the little help they gave me. (little/a little/the little)
e. An umbrella is a useful thing. (a/an/the)
f. Have you any book to read? (some/many/any)

11. HSLC Exam 2008

a. Many guests were invited but only a few turned up. (the few/a few/few)
b. This is the European lady I was talking about. (a/an/the)
c. I cannot give you any money. (any/a little/some)
d. We found the house without much difficulty. (much/many/more)
e. Sri Lanka is an island. (a/an/the)
f. Each of the boys was rewarded. (each/every/any)

12. HSLC Exam 2009

a. He gave away the little money he had to the beggar. (little/a little/the little)
b. Reading is a useful hobby. (a/an/the)
c. Only a few of the candidates were suitable. (few/a few/the few)
c. They won the match without much difficulty. (much/more/many)
d. Each of the competitors will get a certificate. (any/each/every)
e. I don't expect any help from them. (Some/any/many)

13. HSLC Exam 2010

a. My brother is an N.C.C. cadet. (a/an/the)
b. First read the few books you have with you. (few/a few/the few)
c. Many of the oranges were rotten. (many/more/much)
d. Socrates gave much useful advice to his pupils. (many/much/more)
e. Hurry up! We have only a little time left. (little/a little/the little)
f. The workers decided to form a union. (a/an/the)

14. HSLC Exam 2011

a. The painter is a man of few words. (few/a few/the few)
b. An honorary secretary gets no salary for holding the post. (a/an/the)
C. Each of the candidates must produce his/her identity card. (any/every/each)
d. India won the match with a little bit of luck. (little/a little/the little)

15. HSLC Exam 2012

a. Few men are free from faults. (few/a few/the few)
b. An hour has passed since he left us. (a/an/the)
c. Each of the students will be given a copy of the magazine. (every/each/any)
d. Please give me the little money you have. (little/a little/the little)

16. HSLC Exam 2013

a. He will come back within an hour. (a/an/the)
b. Few men are free from faults. (few/a few/the few)
c. Leap year falls in every fourth year. (any/every/each)
d. A little learning is a dangerous thing. (little/a little/the little)

17. HSLC Exam 2014

a. I gave a one rupee note to the beggar. (a/an/the)
b. My father is much older than my mother. (many/much/more)
c. I buy a few books every month. (few/the few/a few)
d. I need the little money I have. (little/a little/the little)

18. HSLC Exam 2015

a. Please give me a little time to finish the work. (little/a little/the little)
b. Then I will take you to the university. (a/an/the)

19. HSLC Exam 2016

a. Ramen comes home twice a month. (a/the/an)
b. Mr. Bell rang the bell of alarm and I woke up. (a/an/the)
c. A busy person has little time to waste. (little/a little/the little)
d. Only a few of the applicants were found suitable. (few/a few/the few)

20. HSLC Exam 2017

a. My brother is an N.C.C. cadet. (a/an/the)
b. We found the house without much difficulty. (many/more/much)
c. He has to feed his family with the little money he earns. (little/a little/the little)
d. Our principal is a man of few words. (few/a few/the few)

21. HSLC Exam 2018

a. The rich are not always unkind. (a/an/the)
b. The principal gave the students some sound advice. (many/some/more)
c. Every school has a union of the students. (a/an/the)
d. Is there any coffee left in the pot? (any/some/more)

22. HSLC Exam 2019

a. My brother had gone an hour ago. (a/an/the)
b. A busy man has little time to waste. (little/a little/the little)
c. The classes started after the bell rang. (a/an/the)
d. Much of their property was lost in the flood. (Many/much/any)

23. HSLC Exam 2020

a. They won the match without much difficulty. (many/much/more)
b. Reading is a useful hobby. (a/an/the)
c. I gave him the few books I had. (few/a few/the few)
d. Kalidasa is the Shakespeare of India. (a/an/the)

Some Additional Important Questions on Determiners:

1. He gave me a one hundred rupee note.
2. We should pity the poor. 
3. He has left for the UK.
4. The Brahmaputra flows through Assam.
5. The Rajdhani Express is an hour late today.
6. The elephant is a large animal.
7. I can depend on the few friends I have.
8. Any man can do that.
9. Switzerland is a European country.
10. I want some milk.
11. He had an accident today.
12. Only a few pupils are there in the class.
13. He will return in an hour.
14. Reading is a useful hobby. 
15. There are just a few mangoes left in the shop. 
16. He drives his car with much care.
17. There is a university in Guwahati.
18. Bring the ticket quickly. 
19. The tea of Assam is world famous.
20. He is an MBBS. 
21. She is an MSc in Biology.
22. The book is not available in the library.
23. We saw an elephant in the zoo.
24. The Gita is a holy book of the Hindus. 
25. Assamese is spoken by the Assamese.
26. I know the man who came here. 
27. This is the book I am talking about. 
28. The cow eats grass. 
29. The Assam Tribune is an English daily. 
30. He gave me a useful hint. 
31. It was a slip of the tongue.
32. The army was defeated in the battle. 
33. The police have arrested him. 
34. He will stay here for a little while.
35. We must help the old.
36. Life is not a bed of roses.
37. He earns five hundred rupees a month. 
38. He thinks he is a Shakespeare.
39. He is an M.A. in English.
40. We enjoyed the programme.


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