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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Report Writing | Class 12 | AHSEC HS Exam Questions Solved

HS Exam Questions

1. You are an eyewitness to a road accident in which a school going boy was killed and many passengers were injured. As a press reporter of The Assam Tribune, write a report about the accident in 100-125 words. You are Ayesha/Sanjoy.
HS 2012


1 Dead,18 Injured in Road Accident

Staff Reporter: Ayesha, The Assam Tribune

Guwahati, 15th March: Road accidents have become a daily phenomenon in Guwahati nowadays. Accidents are reported almost daily from different parts of the city. One student died on the spot and several other people were injured in yet another road accident that occured this morning at about 8:45 AM near Reserve Bank of India, Guwahati. A minibus carrying 20 passengers suddenly turned turtle after a head on collision with a school bus. 3 students and 15 passengers were severely injured. Police arrived immediately and the injured were rushed to the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital. The severely injured were admitted to the GMCH for  treatment while the less severely injured were released after providing first aid.

2. You have witnessed a train accident where the Delhi bound Guwahati Express derailed. Write a report in 100-125 words to be published in an English daily of Guwahati. You are Arun/Anima.
HS 2013


50 Killed, 20 Injured in Train Accident

Staff Reporter: Arjune, The Sentinel

Bongaigaon, 7th Feb: A major train accident took place near New Bongaigaon Railway Station in the wee hours today. The Delhi bound Guwahati Express was derailed at around 3:00 AM today following the wrong signal sent by the signal man. Six of the bogies were derailed leaving some 50 people killed and 20 others critically injured. The Railway Officials along with the local administration reached the spot immediately. The injured passengers were admitted to New Bongaigaon Railway Hospital. The Railway Minister has assured of compensation to the families of the dead and the injured. Investigations for the exact cause of the accident are going on.

3. Write a report on a road accident giving imaginary details of the serious accident and the immediate steps taken by the authorities concerned towards medical relief to the victims. (word limit: 125 words)
HS 2014

Ans: Same as question No. 1 above.

4. Your School/College has recently celebrated 'Cleanliness Week',  organising a number of programs and competitions. Write a report in about 125 words to be published in a local newspaper.
HS 2015


Cleanliness Week

By Our Staff Reporter

Jorhat, 10 December: A week-long 'Cleanliness Campaign' was organised at Jorhat HS School in the first week of December. As part of the campaign, several programmes like essay writing competition, drawing competition etc were conducted on the theme 'Pollution' in the school premises. Students, teachers and the community members participated in the programmes. A cleanliness drive to clean the school building and its surrounding areas was also carried out. On the last day of the campaign, the day for prize distribution, the local DC delivered a valuable speech to inspire all the students.

5. You are an eyewitness to a road accident in which a school going boy was killed and many passengers were injured. As a press reporter of an English daily, write a report about the accident in about 100-125 words. You are Nitu/Sourav.
HS 2016

Ans: Same as Question No. 1 above

6. You recently visited some flood-affected areas of Dhemaji District. As a press reporter of an English daily, write a report on the flood situation in 100-125 words. You are Amar/Nitu.
HS 2017


Flood Situation Grim in Dhemaji

Staff Reporter, Nitu

Dhemaji, 15th July: The flood situation in the whole of Dhemaji district turned grim following incessant rains all night. The Brahmaputra is flowing above danger level and has already inundated several towns and villages in the district. As per report published by the Assam State Disaster Management Authority today, besides loss of livestock and property, about one lakh people were rendered homeless and two persons killed in the flood so far. The Indian Army is already busy with rescue work. Several NGOs are offering basic medicine, food and clothes to the affected.

7. You are Gopal/Anita of Govt. Higher Secondary School, Karimganj. Your school has organised a Blood Donation Camp on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Write a report in 100-125 words as an editor for your school magazine on this widely acclaimed activity.
HS 2017


Blood Donation Camp Held

By Anita

Karimganj, 7th July: A Blood Donation Camp was organised by Karimganj Govt. Higher Secondary School on the eve of its Golden Jubilee Celebrations. The honourable Deputy Commissioner of the district launched the camp and spoke on how blood can save thousands of lives. The district health officials then conducted a free health check up and collected blood. The local public besides the students and teachers of the school donated blood.

8. You are Imran/Rita of Sunrise Academy, Guwahati. Recently your school celebrated the World Environment Day. Giving details of the celebrations, write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine.
HS 2018


By Imran

World Environment Day

Guwahati, 6th June: World Environment Day was celebrated on 5th June in Sunrise Academy, Guwahati. Several cultural programmes like Drawing and Speech Competitions on the theme 'Conservation of Our Earth' were organised. Several dignitaries of the locality attended the celebration. The Chairman, Guwahati Municipality, delivered a valuable speech to inspire the students to work towards environmental development. The programme ended with a plantation drive carried out by the students.

9. You have witnessed a train accident in which a Delhi bound Guwahati Express got derailed. Write a report in 100-125 words to be published in The Sentinel, Guwahati. You are Jayanta/Juri.
HS 2018.

Ans: Same as Question No. 2 above.

10. Your school has recently celebrated "Tree Plantation Week", organising a number of inter-school competitions highlighting the ecological balance. As the Secretary of the Eco-Club of your school, prepare a report in 100-125 words, suitable to be published in your school magazine. You are Nilim/Nilima.
HS 2019


Tree Plantation Week

By Nilima, Secretary, School Eco Club

Guwahati, 18 June, 2021: Our school organised 'Tree Plantation Week' to highlight the need for ecological balance in today's world. The programme was inaugurated by the Principal on 11th June by planting a sapling in the school playground. A number of programmes were also organised throughout the week. Poster making, painting and drawing competition on the theme 'Ecological Balance' were held. Students planted saplings in an organised way in different places around the school. The Week came to an end with the distribution of prizes for the competitions on 17th June.

11. Your District Administration has celebrated Silpi Divas at the District Library Auditorium recently. Prepare a report on it in 100-125 words to be published in 'The Assam Tribune'.
HS 2019


Silpi Divas Celebrated

By Our Staff Reporter

Bongaigaon, January 17: Silpi Divas was observed with a day long programme at the District Library Auditorium here today. Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma, the honourable chief minister of Assam was invited as the chief guest of the programme. Inaugurating the function, the minister spoke on the rich contributions of Jyotiprasad Agarwala, the noted playwright, song writer, poet and filmmaker to Assamese culture. He also recollected the creative art and vision of Jyotiprasad Agarwala for which he is called Rupkonwar. Drawing and speech competitions were also organised among school students on the life and works of the legendary personality. The programme ended with the singing of the State Anthem.

12. A team of twenty students from Japan visited your school as part of a cultural exchange programme. A special welcome assembly was organised for them. Write a report about the same in 100-125 words for your school magazine.
HS 2020


Cultural Exchange Programme
By Cultural Secretary, New Valley Academy

Barpeta, 15th August: A special welcome assembly was organised in the school premises for a team of twenty students from Japanese school who visited New Valley Academy as part of a cultural exchange programme. After the assembly, students of both the schools gathered at the School Cultural Hall and learnt each other's languages through English translation. Then they exhibited their respective cultural life through songs, dances and other performances. Students of both the schools got exposure to each other's cultural life. The programme developed life long friendships between the students of both countries.

13. The students of the local college have organised a campaign on 'Say No to Plastic' in your town. Prepare a report in 100-125 words to be published in an English daily.
HS 2020


Campaign on Say No to Plastics

New Delhi, June 5: Students of MG College organised a campaign on 'Say No to Plastic' in the School Auditorium Hall today. The Principal, while inaugurating the programme, highlighted the ill effects of plastic bags on human, animal and plant life and stressed the need to avoid the use of polythene bags. He called upon the community to use polythene alternatives like paper, cloth and jute. Next followed the distribution of paper and jute bags among the local public. Students then took out a rally carrying placards so as to create awareness among the local people on the destructive effects of plastic.


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