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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Spoken English Lesson 3: More on Sentences of Gratitude and Etiquette

In Lessons 1 & 2, We have already studied the English expressions of gratitude and English etiquette. The purpose of learning lessons 1 & 2 was to be familiar with the expressions of politeness that make the English language different from our mother tongue. Today, Let's study more words, phrases and sentences of gratitude and etiquette. These expressions will help you understand how they are used in the English language. Read, Practise and use these expressions in your conversation to make it more effective.

1. The following expressions indicate the good manners of the speaker. If someone wants to do something and you use the following expressions, it means you politely permit them to do whatever they wish to.

As you wish

As you like

As you please

2. Use the following sentences to express your best wishes for someone

Accept my best wishes

Convey my best wishes to him

Wish you the best of luck

All the best

Please give my compliments to your father

Convey my regards to your father

3. The following sentences express your prayers and wishes for someone

May God help you

May God bless you

May God bless you with with a son

May God bless you with peace and happiness

May you always be lucky

May luck always be with you

4. The following expressions are a polite way of asking someone's name.

Hello, your good name please?

Your introduction please?

5. The following expressions are used to ask for permission

May I come in sir?

May I sit here?

6. The following sentence can be used instead of 'Excuse me' to attract someone's attention

May I have your attention please

7. Use the following sentences when you want to help someone

What service can I do for you?

How can I help you

8. The following sentences express your gratitude for someone

I am thankful to you

I am grateful to you

I am very grateful to you

I am really grateful to you

I am very much indebted to you

I am highly obliged

I am very/ much obliged to you

So nice of you

It's very kind of you

You are very kind

9. The following sentences are different ways of offering thanks to someone

Thanks for the present

Thanks for such a beautiful present

Thanks for your invitation

Thanks for your invitation to dinner

Thank you for your help

Thank you for your visit

Thanks for your visit

Many many thanks to you

Many many thanks to God

10. The following sentences are different ways of saying Sorry on different occasions

I am sorry

I am sorry I got a little late

I am sorry to have disturbed you

I am sorry to have troubled you

I am sorry to have bothered you

It all happened by mistake. Please excuse me


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