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Assam Class 12 HS Exam Tense Exercise: General English

Spoken English Lesson 1: Sentences of Greetings

Spoken English or English Conversation is an ever cherished dream for non native English learners. Spoken English is different from written English. With a little practice, one can easily master the art of speaking English for different situations. Let's today start our first lesson on Spoken English. When we meet someone, the first step is receiving or welcoming them. It shows the warmth of love we have for them. Let's start with Greetings and salutations in the English language. Read and practise the following sentences. You can easily use them for purposes of greetings, salutations and farewells in your daily life.

1. Uses of Hello and Hi

Hello and hi are used with the same meaning for different situations. Hello is formal while hi is informal. These two expressions are used to greet someone or attract somebody's attention. Hello is also used in telephonic conversations to attract the attention of the person at the other end.

Hello friend, how are you?

Hello David, where are you going?

Hello brother, how are you?

Hello sir, how can I help you?

Hi guys, what's up?

Hi Rina, how are you?

Hi, how are you?

Hi darling.

2. Here are a few more expressions for greetings at different times of the day.

Good Morning         Morning to 12 Noon
Good Afternoon      Afternoon to 5 PM
Good Evening          After 5 PM

Let's read some sentences now.

Good morning, dad. 
Good morning, mummy.
Good morning, uncle.
Good morning, aunty.
Good morning, grandpa.
Good morning, grandma.
Good morning, my child.
Good morning, my daughter.

Likewise we can use good afternoon and good evening to greet someone after 12 Noon and 5 PM respectively.

3. We can also additionally use the following sentences:

Nice to meet you.

Glad to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.

Happy to see you etc.

4. Use the following sentences at the time of departing from  somewhere.

Have a nice day!

Good day to you.

Good bye, sir.

Good bye, my love.

Hope to see you again.

5. At the time of going to bed or leaving someone at night, use the following sentences:

Good night.

Sweet dreams.

6. Greetings for Special Occasions:

Wish you a happy Durga Puja.

Wish you a happy birthday

Happy Diwali.

Happy new year.

Good wishes.

Best wishes.

Wish you all the best.

Many many happy returns of the day.

Congratulations on your success.

Congratulations on your wedding.

Merry Christmas.

Heartiest congratulations.

Note the following points:
1. Grandfather is called grandpa
2. Grandmother is called grandma
3. Father is called dad or daddy.
4. Mother is called mummy.
